adam-lambertOk, American Idol second Season 8 Gala just ended, with the second twelve contestants trying to get the nod.

Adam Lambert is trying so with a version of  The Rolling Stones Satisfaction. You know how it´s often Save the best for last… well, this was the case for the audience, but not for me. Adam Lambert was probably the favourite tonight.

Randy Jackson Said: he’s got it going on, but it was a bit manic. He still thinks it was the bomb, though

Kara DioGuardi: his vocal technique is insanely good, with an amazing range

Paula Abdul said: she doesn’t have the words to express Adam’s awesomeness

Simon Cowell said: parts were great, and parts were excruciating

How to vote for Adam Lambert at American Idol?

Call 1866 IDOLS 12

Call 1866 43657 12

Text “Vote” to 5712

So… do you want Adam Lambert to be one of the top twelve? I´m sure he´ll be…

He´s soooo candidate to win it all, just not my candidate!

