Tag: Adam Lambert

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Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Series & TV » Blog Archive » Final Results of Britain´s Got Talent: Voting percentages [...] Something happened there? Don´t read to much into it… but perhaps these results are as manipulated as American Idol fixed results [...]
Complain guys! Basically, people have to stop making it an “Adam” issue, and start making it a consumer rip off issue. The vote was essentially rigged … duh ...that’s obvious. AT&T admitted to improprieties in the voting process in Arkansas. This means that there was fraudulent behavior on their part and possibly AI, and consumers may be entitled to get their money back for being falsely enticed into voting (in order for AI and AT&T to suck money out of them of course) with the promise that their votes would count during the AI season and especially the finale. Some people spend a lot of money voting, and for what? IT’S RIGGED FOLKS. Fraud By Wire is a federal crime, therefore applicable in every state simply by filing a complaint. You can file a complaint on line with the FCC or by submitting a complaint in writing by US Mail to: Federal Communications Commission Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554. www.fcc.gov.cqb http://esupport.fcc.gov/complaints.htm Complain, as a matter of principle. Why should AI and AT&T not be held accountable?
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Hot News » American Idol Winner Season 8 [...] American Idol Season 8 Winner! « Supporting the Dream of Adam Lambert … And Why Not?...Series & TV » Blog Archive » American Idol Season 8 Finale: Kris Allen is the Next A...Watch American Idol Season 8 Finale Winner Announced | Watch American Idol Season 8 Finale Winner [...]
Series & TV » Blog Archive » American Idol Finale: Video of Kara Dio Guardi and Bikini Girl [...] Kara DioGuardi attempts to out-expose Bikini Girl. That was one of the highest moments of American Idol finale where Kris Allen won American Idol [...]
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Series & TV » Blog Archive » Adam Lambert gay confirmation: Kara DioGuardi says Adam Lambert is gay [...] is that enough confirmation that Adam Lambert is gay? Or you want to check out who Adam Lambert is dating? No TweetBacks yet. (Be the first to Tweet this [...]
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
nevayah Danny should have been eliminated a long time ago...but yeah tonights results are so great. And I'll be cheering for Adam...go boy, but good luck to the two of yous...
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol, Romance, Videos
cassie You forgot to mention that she also said at some point "I love you" to Simon in that same episode.
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
