Pretty-Little-Liars-a-is-girl-interviewA must be in a good mood this holiday season – she has shared some secrets with us via text message this week! ABC Family sent A some questions and the answers A texted back. That´s a release I got from the network, and I got some hints from it, that I hope you can also catch. There are tons of mystery surrounding, that we even do not know if A is a girl on Pretty Little Liars or a boy.

Don’t forget to tune-in to ABC Family’s Winter Premiere of Pretty Little Liars on Monday, Jan. 2 at 8/7c to know more about it.

While waiting, here is the interview with A from PLL where you can try to squeeze some spoilery things.

Interview with A from Pretty Little Liars

Q: Are you working with anyone?
A: Does the devil count?

Q: Who do you now view as the weak link and why?
A: I’m more interested in the strongest liar.

Q: Do you go to Rosewood High?
A: I have.

Q: Will we ever hear your voice?
A: You already have.

Q: You seem to break up all the couples – which of the girls’ boyfriends are you most interested in?
A: Toby. Wait… what do you mean by interested? 😉

Q: What have you been up to since we last saw the PLLs?
A: Target practice.

Q: Will we learn your identity this season?
A: Yes.

Q: What’s your New Year’s resolution?
A: More cardio.

Q: Do you want the girls to find out who you are eventually?
A: Only one of them.

Q: Why do you hate the girls so much?
A: There’s a thin line between love and hate.

Q: Who do you think is the prettiest little liar?
A: Me.

Q: Favorite trick you’ve played on the girls ever?
A: Emily’s massage.

Q: We know you spend a lot of time hiding in the liars’ closets, spying. Which one has the most impressive shoe collection?
A: Hard to choose – Hanna or Aria.

Q: How do you dress for breaking and entering, yet still look fashionable?
A: Black never goes out of style.

Q: Will anyone else in Rosewood (aside from the Little Liars) receive messages from you this season?
A: Oh yes, the circle widens.

Q: Are you a familiar face in Rosewood?
A: Yes.

Q: How far will you go this season to achieve your aim?
A: Over the edge.

Q: What clues will we be learning about you?
A: You’ll learn more about my relationship with Alison.

Q: What do you have up your sleeve for Maya and Emily?
A: I always liked Paige better.

Q: Which Liar suffers the most at your hands this season?
A: I’m sharing the love.

Q: Where should we look for you in a scene this year?
A: I’m always in the background.

What do you think about this Interview with A from Pretty Little Liars? How about knowing that A has big plans for the new season of PLL? Let me know in the comments section. Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more PLL scoop.

