sorry-had-sex-your-bed-book-reviewAnother little pocket book I just read from Ulysses Press. This one reminds me a lot of Jimmy Fallon´s book, with all the notes, in this case, instead of thank you notes, it´s about Sorry notes. Some of them quite funny and surely to be teared off from the book in order to be given once we make a mistake.

There are a lot of somewhat bizarre apologies, or rather things to apologize for, as you should be quite something to do them in the first place; but there were also a few that can come in handy at some point.

Then there were those about techie stuff as the “Sorry I Unfollowed you” or “Sorry I unfriended you” that so many people could use in their lives.

All in all, a nice little gift to give to a friend, the one who screws up most in the gang… eventually one of those tear outs could end up in your hands.

You can learn more about the book in this link, including pricing, where to buy it and more.

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