Series & TV » Blog Archive » Heroes Mega Spoiler: Hiro Nakamura is dying on Heroes Redemption
[...] just told you that Claire Bennet will die again on Heroes, but that´s probably something you would have guessed anyways… She died every season so [...]
Casonia sade Logenberry from seattle washington and saying to every one have a Delightful Wonderful outstanding day.
There are Actors and Singers out there with a big Heart and wonderful souls who really care and who are there to help dig america out of the whole we are in and this Heros are strong and have feelings about what is going down around them and we have to thank the stars above for this wonderful thoughful people who take on this cause and are willing to fight for a good direction to follow.
Bon Secours of Maryland Foundation Receives First Enterprise Community Partner of the Year Award at Harbor Lights … | equity loans
[...] Actress Chauntal Lewis in need of prosthetic limb is having a … [...]
Bob Evans hosting Red Cross fundraiser (link to flyer) | BingSite
[...] Actress Chauntal Lewis in need of prosthetic limb is having a fundraising hair style event [...]
Dear Friends, Happy Fool's Day!
A boy was walking down the street with his Dad and noticed a dog mounting another dog. The boy asked his Dad, "Hey Dad, what are those two dogs doing?"
"Well son, the dog on top's front paws are sore, so the dog on the bottom is giving him a ride home."
The son thinks it over, and then comes to the conclusion,
"Geez Dad, isn't that just like the world today... you help someone out, and you end up getting fucked."
Happy April Fool's Day!
Series & TV » Blog Archive » Cancelled Shows 2009: Heroes getting cancelled by NBC?
[...] is not at all announced nor even close to be announced… I already said this about Heroes getting cancelled on April Fool´s Day… but this time may be [...]
I think its pretty obvious its Molly dying. They've already mentioned Christina coming back to visit Betty again from time to time and unless they've decided to pull another ghost thing (Bradford Meade remember) and of course...terminally ill tends to give a bit of a hint.