I just love how they keep making House a better person just long enough to find out he has a sick ulterior motive that is more horrible than you could have conceived of with a sane mind. In this scene he seems more human and some of these developments are sticking. I for one want to see it with a decent picture because my picture keeps making me have to adjust the antenna. I am finally getting DISH Network employee service tomorrow and will be able to DVR House MD in HD and watch in the morning. I can't wait because I miss half of the episodes. I LOVE TV!
cara, esse foi o mekhor episodio do house, o cara é demais...
Series & TV » Blog Archive » Casting News: Jennifer… » Free Xbox 360
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Series & TV » Blog Archive » Casting News: Jennifer Morrison, Cameron on House is going to Broadway
[...] Perhaps on the Hugh Laurie directed episode of House? [...]
Casonia sade Logenberry..Honk your Car to slow this crazy pushy aggressive drivers down..Fast and Driving close to your car makes me feel Bummed Rushed...Alway be thoughful on the road.!
Some relationships don't give what you put into it and some people are just so unfair and just take more then they give and when you get really tired of the relationship and ask for a Divorce? The person will not end the relationship and that is really unfair...Because it makes you feel trapped and it makes you feel like your in jail and it also forces you to be around this person for longer then you want and at that point some dislike comes into play and...Some people start hate of the other person and also kills the feelings for the other person completely...That is why people lose love for each other down the road.
cameron and house are the best players in the whole show
writers didn't do well by moving out of the show if it is final that she will not return in later episodes
even the relationship played by cuddy and house are not very intimate as it feels in cameron and house.
if you watched the show carefully when house is with cameron it make the scene more real and intimate with their emotions.
so even if they had kick off cameron for fews shows than it is normal but they have to bring back her because it seems that house is without cameron show feels unreal.
it is not like that chase and cameron are too good in relationship but whatever be the relationship with house and cameron it is good and important for the show.