Tag: Pet Keeping with Marc Morrone

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Christine Norton Hi Marc, I am so glad that you are back for a second season. I didn't see Dante today. Is he OK? Do you still have him? He is such a comical fellow and I have enjoyed watching him in the past. Thank you for your time.
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Mary Katherine Rawlins I just saw your show on pets with problems. What a great gift. We adopted a precious cat from our vet years ago who was paraplegic, and stayed in diapers and was bathed several times a day. We had her colon removed, and she eventually died when she choked on her breakfast. She tried to get to me in the corner of her playpen. She was the best and most loving of pets. We were so sad to lose her. She prepared me for caring for my Mother. Another subject: We just adopted a 15 week old ferret, Lillie. (We have 4 dogs and 6 cats, having lost 2 cats and 1 dog last fall - I will adopt anything needing a home)I have her in our bedroom in a ferret cage. I let her out in our room in the AM and she is very active - so funny. How long should I keep her in the cage and will she ever learn to "cuddle"? Mary Katherine Rawlins
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
cari from New Jersey Is it possible for you to discuss the different raw diets for dogs such as raw itself, dr harveys and the barf diet. Espeacially , if your purchased a puppy from a breeder that already started it on regular dry food and you want to wean it off the regular dry food to one of the above mentioned diets. Where would i find out the kind of meat and how much and how often to feed it to a pup, and an older dog. I have not yet got the puppy, but i do know i want to switch it on to one of the raw diets. I know what organ meat is, but what is muscle meat? Also, where is the best places to purchase these meats in bulk. Also, bone meal is important. I've been taking uncooked eggs shells and drying them, then pulverizing them to a powder form and sprinkling it on my food for years. Can i do the same for a pup? If not what kind of bone meal do you feed to a dog and where do you get it? Where can i obtain a list of fruits and vegetables that are dangerous for dogs? I know garlic,onion, grapes most fruit pits, apricots and whole celery sticks ( they must be sliced, because of the strings on the stalk,otherwise they are healty for birds and dogs). Also choccolate of anykind, i know about. On the computer I been able to locate lists of plants that are poisoness to dogs, but not vegetables. Can you help? I would appreaciate any help you can give me. My puppy will be coming home soon.
Christina I really like you too come and maybe do a show. I would like for you to talk about goats/farm animals .And ifyou need space for your animals too run around.We have a fourty acre farm with gates.
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
c.Turnbull Petkeeping used to be on at 12 Noon to 1:00 Monday thru Friday on the Hallmark Channel... I have told so many people about the show but as of this week it is not shown..what happenend?? Please advise. Thank You
Beth What can I do to prevent my cat's hairballs? I brush him daily, he grooms himself all the time. He throws up every day. Thank you for help.
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Iris I want to know the proper way to use a leash for my dachshound.
Ms. page 1) My cat is about a year and a half. She was a Rufus Rescue. She is petrified of plastic bags. I think when i got her the cat went out in the bag so to speak. how do i get her to stop begging for my people food!? She won't leave me a lone at meal times. I DO feed her first but she won't eat her cat food she wants MINE! :( > 2) She constantly brushes up on things when she is hungry especially first thing in the morning. How can i stop her from doing this behavior? Oh; she is a Bob Tail cat. Thanks... Page From Atlanta, GA
