Tag: PLL Quotes

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Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Pulpo Thanks for the imply. I still think it´s a girl though
JC While 'Je suis une amie' does mean 'I am a (female) friend', it can also mean 'I follow a (female) friend'. Although I believe that 'A' is a girl, the title's ambiguous meaning does not necessarily imply that 'A' is indeed a girl.
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Pretty Little Liars All-Day Marathon Feb 21 on ABC Family [...] Episode #111 “Moments Later” (1:00PM – 2:00PM) – Aria, Emily, Hanna, Spencer and those around them must deal with the aftermath of what happened in Rosewood, PA one mysterious night. [...]
