Tag: SpongeBob SquarePants

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Casonia sade Logenberry..Honk your Car to slow this crazy pushy aggressive drivers down..Fast and Driving close to your car and..it makes me feel Bummed Rushed...Alway be thoughful on the road.! So many little boys out there are really loving spongeBob and for that reason alone...Feel it is good..Because Boys are going near Yellow and many young Boys in the world never go near yellow but good things come from that color and that is the Sun and Corn but color is bright and light and for kids some what Delightful but of course as a parent..Feel the show is really strange but children love the show and the message and color and that is the only thing that matters and that is your children loving the show and wanting to watch it and enjoy it is key..The kid is going to be calm and happy all day long about watching SpongeBob...Kids love that show all over the world.
Casonia sade Logenberry saying Hello from Seattle washington Spongebob has always been weird for me but on the other hand children really like the Sponge because he is big and soft and Yellow and kids love Yellow for many reason and that is all about the sun and the light of the sky but on the other hand...he is funny and delightful and nice and kind and always think about others and delightful on so many level and...I think Sponge Bob really hits home but on the other hand...Some one created something that massive children all over the world really enjoy and the creater must be a kid at Heart.
