ultimate-guide-zombie-movies-book-reviewZombies have been hot ever since 1932 in the big and small screen. And this book captures them all, in chronological fashion, it analyses over 300 zombie films and TV shows and gives us the synopsis and the review for each of them, while also giving us the chance to read interviews with the actors, filmmakers and technician.

Glenn Kay compiled all this information into a great book if you are a zombie fan.

The edition, paper quality, images and size of the book are borderline perfection. And the contents will make you smile and enjoy your journey through Zombie history.

Who do I recommend this book?
If you are a zombies fan, it´s a must have, hands down. Go buy it now.
If you are not a zombies fan, but you are a casual enjoyer of zombies movies, you´ll enjoy the book and probably have a little fan with it.
If you are not into zombies then this book makes no sense for you as it is Zombies, zombies, zombies.
My favourite part of the book, in regards to the movies is the ratings system, and I am making a plea to watch all of the movies rated “Highly Recommended” and “So Bad It´s Good” in the next few months.

How to buy The Ultimate Guide to Zombie Movies?

You can buy it on the Independent Publishers Group website for 24.95 in trade paper or less for other formats.

Have you read it? Let me know your thoughts. Also, follow me on Twitter for more Book Reviews

