“Into the Badlands” tells the story of a ruthless, well-trained warrior named Sunny (Daniel Wu) and a young boy named M.K. (Aramis Knight) who embark on a spiritual journey across a dangerous land. From AMC Studios, the six-part series is created by executive producers/showrunners/writers Alfred Gough and Miles Millar (“Shanghai Noon,” “Smallville”), and executive produced by Oscar®-nominated producers Stacey Sher and Michael Shamberg (“Pulp Fiction,” “Contagion”), director David Dobkin (“Wedding Crashers,” “Shanghai Nights”), fight director Stephen Fung (“Tai Chi Zero”) and Daniel Wu (“Tai Chi Zero”). “Into the Badlands” premieres on Sunday, November 15th at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on AMC.


Photo Credit: AMC Networks

Last week it was released the first Fight Scene from Into The Badlands with Sunny, but now viewers got another sneak peek from the series premiere of AMC’s martial arts drama “Into the Badlands” on last night’s edition of “Talking Dead.” Now, AMC has released the full two-minute clip, showing that the women who inhabit The Badlands are a force to be reckoned with. In this action-packed scene, The Widow (Emily Beecham) senses danger in crowded club and, after showing off some impressive knife fighting skills, leaves just about everyone in pieces. The intense battle, with choreography led by fight director Stephen Fung, portrays another ruthless, well-trained warrior and just another day in The Badlands.
So now take a look at the video of The Widow fight scene on Into The Badlands.

And just in case you also want to review the fight scene from Sunny on Into The Badlands, take a look at the video here

What did you think about The Widow fight scene on Into The Badlands? Cool scene, huh? Head to the comments and discuss. Also, follow me on Twitter for more scoop.

