Last week TBBT returned with back to back episodes, and we already reviewed the premiere that was quite funny, and also managed to deliver enormous ratings for the geek squad at CBS.
So now it´s time to check out what happened on the second episode of the season, and as usual list all of the best quotes and moments there.
In the episode, called The Deception Verification, Leonard returns from his North Sea expedition and finds things chilly between him and Sheldon, while Howard’s relationship with his mother opens the door to questions about his masculinity.
Best Quotes and moments from The Big Bang Theory S07E02
Sheldon: Here´s another interesting weather fact.
Penny: Another? Great!
Sheldon: Please don´t take my looking forward to Leonard´s return as criticism of the job you´ve been doing in his absence.
Sheldon: You make me laugh sad clown.
Howard: I put on a couple of pounds lately. Had to buy these pants in the men section.
Sheldon: That´s a rather earthy cologne. My uncle used to wear the same.
Bernardette: Stop it, you are not fat.
Howard: Tell it to the bathroom scale, cause one of you is lying.
Amy: You are not even listening to the rules of my made up language.
Amy: Do you hear anything?
Sheldon: I hear a woman.
Amy: Is it Penny?
Sheldon: It is you.
Sheldon: I think I hear kissing.
Amy: Like you know how kissing sounds.
Sheldon: There´s kissing in Star Trek, SmartyPants.
Sheldon: This changes nothing… except my Halloween costume.
Howard: Do my boobs look bigger to you.
Howard: Ohhh, Brie´s ready.
Sheldon: You say you´re from New Jersey. How can I believe you?
Leonard: Why would anyone claim they´re from New Jersey.
Sheldon: Ok, I´ll give you that one.
Amy: He´s mad at you too. He says you are the succubus who drove his friend astray.
Penny: I don´t know what a succubus is, but it has suck in it, so it can´t be good.
Howard: My eyes are up here.
Sheldon: Howard, Raj, Judas.
Howard: This man held my breast the other day and I love him for it.
Raj: Little loud, dude.
So, what did you think about the episode? You can follow me on Twitter or Pinterest for more scoop on TBBT.