“Expedition Impossible,” announced the show’s 13 teams, and here at Series & TV we are introducing you to each and one of them.
Now it´s time to introduce you to the eighth team: The Gypsys.
Who are The Gypsys – Expedition Impossible Team?
John Post (25)
Pensacola Beach, FL
Sustainable Farmer
Taylor Filasky (31)
San Diego, CA
Video Producer
Eric Bach (26)
San Francisco, CA
Though they’re a bit wacky and lovably free-spirited, these friends take competition very seriously. Collectively they’ve worked, volunteered, lived in and traveled to over 40 countries. Despite their escapades, they’ve never been on an adventure like this, and are excited to show what they can do.
Will you root for The Gypsys in Expedition Impossible? Let me know in the comments section.
Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Expedition Impossible scoop.
You can also, if you are in a rush, meet all Expedition Impossible teams in these two videos.
Expedition Impossible Meet The Teams Video – Part 1