The Cape, new show from NBC premiering January 9th 9/8 C, is getting ready to come out with a bang, but, as any new show, it´s not easy and needs fans to help. Well, in this case, The Cape is looking even further for the fans help. The Cape is looking for more villains to populate Palm City and they are calling on fans to create them! You and your readers can submit a sketch, name and brief description on the official site: and the winning villain will be featured in an episode! For comic fans, this is a must enter.

First of all, as a warm up… let´s meet the villains

Video – Meet The Cape Villains – Premieres January 9th 9/8 C on NBC

What good is a superhero without a few villains?

And now Summer Glau explains us about The Cape looking to add villains Contest.

Summar Glau Video about The Cape Villains Contest

Do you have an idea for the ultimate villain? Enter The Cape contest and for a chance to have your villain appear on-air.

Finally, just because I am good, I´ll give a couple of bonus videos

Suit Up, Fight Back

The Cape is determined to see justice done

And the last one, for now

Where´s your Cape?

The world’s next superhero gets a little help

So, what do you think? Will you enter The Cape contest and submit your villain? Will you watch The Cape, premierin January 9th 9/8 C on NBC? Let me know in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more The Cape scoop and spoilers.

