The fifth installment of Iron Chef is set to premiere on Sunday, November 4th on Food Network. The new feature-rich culinary battle, The Next Iron Chef: Redemption, brings a second chance to the viewers to see chefs that didn’t make it from previous seasons of the Iron Chef. And the acclaimed chefs get another chance to try to become a member of the Iron Chef culinary society.
Both old competitors from previous seasons as well as newcomers with their own redemption stories will be heating up the show with their masterful kitchen skills. Not to mention that fact that the tenth cast member will actually be picked through a web-exclusive “Road to Redemption” tournament in October (12th – 26th).
“The redemption theme heightens the season’s drama with second chances and new opportunities, and viewers can expect culinary magic, intense battles and edge-of-your seat suspense.” — Bob Tuschman, General Manager and Senior Vice President, Food Network.
The show will be kicking off with a Chairman’s Challenge where each participant has to cook with the ingredients that sent them home the last time. Next episodes will be given some special glare by legendary magician David Copperfield at the Las Vegas buffet battle as well as canned food to Kitchen Stadium-worthy cuisine challenge.
The judges, the final decision-makers of who stays and who goes yet again, are Donatella Arpaia, Simon Majumdar and Geoffrey Zakarian as well as Chefs Bobby Flay, Masaharu Morimoto and Michael Symon.