current-kill-it-cook-it-eat-it-premieresDo you think you could kill your own dinner?

This hit series from the UK takes a group of strangers with differing food views on a journey from pasture to plate, be they carnivores or vegans or something in between.  Set on an organic farm in a humane environment, “Kill It, Cook It, Eat It” tackles tough issues in a tasteful manner, by involving each person in the group in the integral parts of the process of turning an animal into meat. This resulting series gives viewers an entertaining, educational and sometimes controversial look at our food chain, from selecting an animal and learning how cuts of meat are chosen to cooking it and deciding whether or not to eat it.

Episode 1- “Burgers” Premieres Tuesday January 11 at 10PM ET

Six volunteers arrive at Pipers Farm in Devon for what will surely be an emotional journey as they discover how cattle are slaughtered and turned into burgers. First they climb the hill to get up close and care for the Red Ruby cattle. Then they help choose two for slaughter and take them to the local abattoir, where they watch the kill; up close and uncensored. They help butcher and mince the meat to make burgers; question is will any of them have the stomach to eat them?

Episode 402 – “Kebabs” Premieres Tuesday January 18 at 10PM ET

The six volunteers are still at Pipers Farm, but this time are leading lambs to the slaughter to create kebabs for their dinner. The group learns how to round the flock of sheep with Chip the sheep dog; they also clip the hooves of the lambs, before they choose two that are fully fattened and ready for slaughter. Then back to the abattoir for their second visit. The next day they butcher the meat and make kebabs, an experience that should inform their views on meat production and consumption.

Will you watch Kill It, Cook it, Eat it, premiering Tuesday January 11th on Current? Let me know in the comments section.

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