Following the lines of another show that premiered this fall like Trophy Wife, NickMom is bringing Instant Mom, starring Tia Mowry as Stephanie, a party girl who becomes an instant mom when she marries Charlie, an older man with three kids played by Michael Boatman.
As I´m doing with all the new shows, here are the best quotes from it.
Best quotes from Instant Mom
Charlie: Grown ups talking. Go Tweet something
Stephanie: Are you thinking what I´m thinking? Human vacuum cleaner!
Lola: No one´s calling me grandma til I´m 90.
Lola: What are you doing with that child?
Stephanie: Sucking up marshmallows.
Aaron: Want one?
Lola: Lola to the rescue.
Stephanie: Don´t call me that
Lola: What?
Stephanie: Stepmother… it sounds so evil.
Stephanie: I´m a food blogger.
Lola: You can´t cook.
Stephanie: But I can order like nobody´s business.
Charlie: Weekends are a walk in the park, weekdays are a trail of tears.
Charlie: You know what kind of parents have a party in their house on a Tuesday night? The ones who don´t know there´s a party in their house on a Tuesday Night.
Stephanie: You are a doctor
Charlie: I´m a cardiologist. Hearts don´t barf.
Lola: Tell him to drink it like a mother
Lola: Welcome to the “My kid hates me club”
Lola: My friends and I call this “Mommy wine”
Lola: Parenting rule number 2: “Admit nothing”
Stephanie: What´s parenting rule number one?
Lola: You are drinking it.
Will you watch more Instant Mom? Follow me on Twitter for more scoop.