a-heart-like-his-beth-moore-book-reviewI have to admit it, as I always do in these cases. I am not religious, nor am I Christian. I don´t go to Church on Sundays and I don´t do communion. But, I like reading about religion a lot, and I admire how the Christian market has developed into a whole book market that can range from fiction to non fiction and can have both entertaining stories like the ones I reviewed written by Terri Blackstock and can also have more reflexive books such as this one.
A Heart Like His tells the story of David, and his journey from shepherd, to refugee to King of Israel.
The book does not portray David in all his glory, but shows the ups and downs, goods and bads, and that makes it a good read.
The book is already a best seller, but this time, it is brought in trade paper in a $14.99 edition.
Reading this biography of David can be a good thing for people interested in history, in religion and in biographies.

Book Info:
Publisher: B&H Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-4336-7716-8

How to Buy A Heart Like His? Visit this link.

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