H2-America-Book-of-Secrets-West-Point-premieres-saturday-january-21-2A very interesting documentary series coming from the hand of H2 called America´s Book of Secrets.

America’s Book of Secrets uncovers the controversial truths behind some of the most confidential secrets in American history. The new series takes a look at historical landmarks throughout the country and reveals mysteries through captivating footage and live interviews and we’re sure your readers with be amazed with what they’ll witness. The show will surely ignite discussion and interest among your readers and would appreciate your support in sharing this with your fans.

Watch America’s Book of Secrets Trailer Video

What is America’s Book of Secrets About? Plot Synopsis

H2-America-Book-of-Secrets-West-Point-premieres-saturday-january-21-2Behind the façade of some of America’s most public institutions and landmarks, there is another world that is hidden from view. Shrouded in secrecy, only a handful of people will ever have access to these forbidden corridors of intelligence. But their inside knowledge can actually mean the difference between national security…and national disaster.

Now, insiders and experts have pierced the shroud that conceals the covert world of seemingly familiar places. A gripping new 10-part series, America´s Book of Secrets, takes viewers behind the locked doors, security clearances and “Do Not Enter” signs into worlds they are not supposed to see. The series premieres Sunday, January 15 at 9pm ET on H2 and then airs Saturday’s at 10pm ET thereafter.

Through exclusive channels of access and deep research, America´s Book of Secrets reveals inside information about such icons as the White House, the Pentagon, Fort Knox, the FBI, Area 51, the Freemasons, and more. The series launches with the two-hour special, ” America´s Book of Secrets: The Monuments.”

What do you think? Will you watch America´s Book of Secrets? Let me know in the comments section. Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more H2 scoop.

