Some news from across the pond to add to the lists of renewed shows of 2013 and cancelled shows of 2013, as BBC cancelled Being Human making this its final installment, marking the supernatural show´s end at season finale turned series finale. The adversary the show´s heroes will face is none other than the Devil, thus making it an interesting point for a finale.
The show had a US adaptation by Syfy´s Being Human, which has become a solid addition to the Sci-Fi network, making it quite possible that the american version will live on after Being Human UK gets cancelled.
Zai Bennett, Controller, BBC Three, says: “Being Human has been a fantastic and faithful friend to BBC Three. It’s featured some truly exceptional actors and storylines through the years and I’d like to thank Toby and the production team for their vision and passion. However, all good things come to an end and at BBC Three we’re committed to breaking new shows and new talent and who better to pass that baton on than Toby.” Now that Being Human is cancelled on season five in the UK, fans over the US should give american version some love as to reassure the continuing of it.
What do you think? Are you sad BBC Three cancelled Being Human UK? Let me know in the comments section. Also, follow me on Twitter for more scoop abouot shows getting cancelled like Being Human UK.