a-gifted-man-cancelled-renewed-cbsMore information to fill the lists for cancelled shows of 2012 and renewed shows of 2012. And even though this one is not official, as in confirmed by the network, it was confirmed by its lead star, Patrick Wilson, who tweeted that A Gifted Man was cancelled.

Patrick Wilson on A Gifted Man getting cancelled tweeted:

So…shocking to no one: #agiftedman is done.Found out via email…and not from the network.Stay classy.Thanks to AGM fans! Great cast/crew!

And then he added

Thanks for the AGM love…but now that it’s “official,”I couldn’t be happier. As good as it was(sometimes) it was not what I signed on for.

You can read Patrick Wilson tweets here.

What is A Gifted Man about? Plot Synopsis

Michael Holt (Patrick Wilson) is a talented but self-absorbed surgeon at an upscale New York City clinic. He lives a comfortable and materialistic life due to the wealthy clients he treats, but is nevertheless discontented with his life and acts coldly to those around him. His life is thrown into disarray, however, when he is visited by the ghost of his ex-wife Anna Paul (Jennifer Ehle), who was recently killed in a car accident. Anna asks Michael to help keep running the free clinic she previously directed, which leads Michael to be exposed to poorer patients in need who are far different from his usual clientele. Michael’s sister Christina (Julie Benz), a single mother struggling to care for her troubled teenage son Milo (Liam Aiken), believes in the supernatural and is thrilled with the idea that Anna is back in Michael’s life, as she insists he was a better person when she was around.

What do you think? Are you sad that A Gifted Man got cancelled? Let me know in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more scoop about shows getting cancelled as A Gifted Man did.

