doctor-who-christmas-special-2012-bbcamericaDoctor Who has us all prepared to another great adventure, as usual, in this new Christmas Special for 2012.

This show have been long running and is currently set to star in this new Doctor Who special for Christmas Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor with Jenna-Louise Coleman as the new companion, following the departure of Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) in the previous episode.
The 2012 Christmas special of Doctor Who is the sixth episode of the seventh series, due to air during Christmas 2012.
The 2012 Christmas Special of Doctor Who is due to be set in Victorian times and guest stars Tom Ward and Richard E. Grant as the villain as you can catch a glimpse or two in this trailer video for Doctor Who Christmas Special 2012.

More about Doctor Who Christmas Special 2012

‘The Snowmen’ has been revealed as the title for this year’s movie-scale Doctor Who Christmas special, and the episode that will introduce the new companion, a new look for the Doctor and a new monster that will have families shivering behind their sofas.

Starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, and introducing Jenna-Louise Coleman as new companion Clara, The Snowmen will follow their adventures as they embark on a mission to save Christmas from the villainous Doctor Simeon (Richard E Grant) and his army of icy snowmen.

Fans also got a sneak peak at a new costume for the Doctor, revealed in an exclusive trailer on Children in Need, while a special prequel showed the impact of the loss of the Ponds, with old friends Vastra, Strax and Jenny trying to persuade the Doctor not to give up on adventures.

Steven Moffat, Lead Writer and Executive Producer, said: “The Doctor at Christmas is one of my favourite things – but this year it’s different. He’s lost Amy and Rory to the Weeping Angels, and he’s not in a good place: in fact, he’s Scrooge. He’s withdrawn from the world and no longer cares what happens to it. So when all of humanity hangs in the balance, can anyone persuade a tired and heartbroken Doctor that it’s time to return to the good fight? Enter Jenna-Louise Coleman…”

Matt Smith, who plays the Doctor, commented: “For this year’s Christmas special we have the wonderfully villainous Richard E Grant as Doctor Simeon – as well as lizards, Victorian assassins and deranged warriors from the future, who all return to convince the Doctor that he should board the TARDIS again and save the world. Add to that Jenna-Louise Coleman, and so begins the Christmas Special 2012. I hope everyone enjoys it!”

Trailer video for Doctor Who Christmas Special 2012

You can also see what else is on the Christmas Programming Guide, that includes ABC Family´s 25 Days of Christmas and a bunch of Hallmark movies among other specials and TV Shows episodes holiday themed.

This year, 2012 Christmas Special for Doctor Who comes after The Angels Take Manhattan. Will you watch it? Let me know in the comments section. Also, follow me on Twitter for more Doctor Who Christmas Special scoop.

