MINORITY REPORT: L-R: Wilmer Valderrama as Will Blake, Laura Regan as Agatha, Daniel London as Wally, Li Jun Li as Akeela, Stark Sands as Dash, Megan Good as Det. Lara Vega and Nick Zano as Arthur. . CR: Michael Becker / FOX. © 2015 FOX Broadcasting.

MINORITY REPORT: L-R: Wilmer Valderrama as Will Blake, Laura Regan as Agatha, Daniel London as Wally, Li Jun Li as Akeela, Stark Sands as Dash, Megan Good as Det. Lara Vega and Nick Zano as Arthur. . CR: Michael Becker / FOX. © 2015 FOX Broadcasting.

You know how I said 12 Monkeys was a very good remake for the story from the movie, even though the challenges of remaking a story that featured both Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis starring, and had a big budget, comparing it to a TV show with no big names, and a fairly low budget, and I gave it a passing grade? Well, Minority Report has failed to impress me, even though the premise would´ve been able to translate better as it has bigger budget than Monkeys, and has some well known actors as Meagan Good, Nick Zano and Wilmer Valderrama. Sure, that´s no Tom Cruise, but still.

10 years have past since PreCrime´s been shut. And now, one of the three Pre-Cogs is trying to once again stop crimes from happening. Thing is, being only one of the three sibilings working at it, he does not have the full information. So, it´s crime prevention, but with higer stakes.

Set in Washington, D.C., it is 10 years after the demise of Precrime, a law enforcement agency tasked with identifying and eliminating criminals…before their crimes were committed. To carry out this brand of justice, the agency used three precogs – “precognitives” Dash, Arthur and Agatha – who were able to see the future. Now, in 2065, crime-solving is different, and justice leans more on sophisticated and trusted technology than on the instincts of the precogs.

So far, the premise is good; but, the problem is that both Person of Interest and The Player on NBC follow a premise much like it, but are better resolved. One thing though… in 2065, there´s still The Simpsons on TV… which means, there is still TV.

I will say you should give it a try and see if you like it. I expected more, and I will not give it more than a barely passing grade. What about you? Did you like Minority Report? Let me know in the comments section. Also, follow me on Twitter for more scoop.

