Popular People » Blog Archive » American Idol Last Three Spots. Wild Card Round is on American …
[...] … Jackie Tohn, Jeanine Vailes, Joanna Paccitti / Felicia Barton, Ju´Not Joyner, Kai Kalama, Kendall Beard, Kristen McNamara, Matt Breitzke, Mishavonna Henson, Nathaniel Marshall, Nick Mitchell A.K.A. Norman Gentle, Stephen Fowler , …Next Page [...]
Alexis Grace on American Idol top 12 | Series & TV
[...] night, American Idol first gala was on, and tonight, Alexis Grace got her pass to the top twelve of American [...]
house » Blog Archive » Recap of American Idol First Gala and How to vote in American Idol …
[...] causticchick wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptTopics:. Series, Television, House MD · Join my network. Design by Online Casinos :: In Collaboration with Business Start Ups, LCD HDTV, Fun gifts. Valid XHTML and CSS. [...]
I just saw "Beachbabe's" comment and had to say something. I was IN the calendars for two years and have gotten to know the entire crew and I can say that the comments made by beachbabe are ridiculous and shame on you for saying all of that. You should really be more responsible than just going around blindly accusing people of things. They have been incredible to me and all of the other girls that I know involved in the calendars. If this was anything but great I wouldn't have done it for two years. This was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Get your facts straight. I'm guessing you're making that all up because you didn't make it into the calendars. Grow up. And my name is Jamie, you can find me on the site... I didn't make up some lame fake name beachbabe.
I have heard horror stories from most of the girls who have participated in these calendars of how the photographer tried to sleep with the girls once they are on the islands, peer pressured everyone into drinking alcoholic beverages, and then reported every single girl who had trouble selling all her calendars to collection agencies and refused to give any commission for all their hard work. This seems like an extremely appealing project to be a part of, but after interviewing girls who participated, it sounds like my worst nightmare. I know of one girl who even brought the guy to court based on everything that happened at the island - she won hands down. Seriously, ladies, if you are thinking of taking part in this, DON'T! It's not worth anything but a headache.