Tag: Common Law

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Guillermo Paz onto Police Shows
Beth T. I am disappointed that Common Law was cancelled. I liked the cast, and the storylines were entertaining. I am really glad they tied things up in the final episode, rewarding us for watching with the story of why they were sent to therapy in the first place. I think the cancellation is a mistake and I'm surprised--USA is usually better at reading the viewer response. I think this one could have grown over time.
Guillermo Paz onto Action, Burn Notice
Guillermo Paz onto Contests and Giveaways, Police Shows
bn100 Travis because he seems smart.
Travis M I tweeted this: https://twitter.com/demonstrable/status/227865796494389250
Guillermo Paz onto Action, Contests and Giveaways
Justin I would, I definitely would... but that´s because I work with my wife, and she makes me go to therapy. Lol...
Stephanie I see my friend Pat right above me -- as he's the one who just told me to enter. he's a solid coworker though and I'm pretty sure we don't need couples therapy, but who knows? It could happen and I'd consider it.
Guillermo Paz onto Police Shows
Common Law Contest and Giveaway – Runs thorugh May 20 [...] DashboardThere´s a new funny contest to start running for you guys and gals. In this case, about a new show that I know will catch a lot of viewers attention, especially since it´s on USA. Common Law. I reviewed the pilot and I listed ten reasons to watch Common Law. [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Police Shows
Common Law Contest and Giveaway – Runs thorugh May 20 [...] about a new show that I know will catch a lot of viewers attention, especially since it´s on USA. Common Law. I reviewed the pilot and I listed ten reasons to watch Common [...]
Top Ten Reasons To Watch Common Law on USA Fridays 10PM [...] Post navigation ← Previous [...]
