Common-Law-contest-giveaway-usaDashboardThere´s a new funny contest to start running for you guys and gals. In this case, about a new show that I know will catch a lot of viewers attention, especially since it´s on USA. Common Law. I reviewed the pilot and I listed ten reasons to watch Common Law.

Wes and Travis are cop partners with a big problem: each other. Everyone knows that the first step to making a relationship work is clear communication.  While Wes and Travis learn how to talk it out, here are some key pieces necessary to open the channels of communication and keep the conversation flowing.

What can you win on the Common Law Prize Pack

  • Custom Carryall: Make the most of your partnership with these communication-enhancing items conveniently packed in this sturdy canvas tote.
  • Tiebreakers: Flip these chips to settle a disagreement.
  • Do-It-Yourself Therapy Table Topics: Play your cards right to keep the conversation flowing.
  • POP Phone: To help you keep in touch when you’re apart.
  • Everlast Boxing Gloves: Duke it out when words just don’t cut it.

How to enter common law Contest and Giveaway?

Head to the comments and answer me this: Would you ever go to couple´s therapy with a colleague at work and why?

Now for the answers, you´ll have to put yours in the comments section (make sure you fill the form with a valid e-mail address and put guillermo @ in your white mail list so if you are the winner you can get my e.mail letting you know, since I´ll contact the winner through e-mail).

How to get Extra entries:

– Like Series and TV on Facebook

– Like this article on Facebook

– Tweet this article

– Pin This Article

Will you enter Common Law contest and giveaway? Let me know in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Contests and Giveaways.

