Tag: Glee Spoilers

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Guillermo Paz onto Glee
Guillermo Paz onto Glee
Guillermo Paz onto Glee
Guillermo Paz onto Glee
Guillermo Paz onto Glee
Glee Casting Spoiler: Sam, Chord Overstreet leaving Glee [...] (they are also helping on The Glee Project). And it also appears that while graduating this year, Lea Michele, Chris Colfer and Cory Monteith aka Rachel, Kurt and Finn are coming back to Glee after [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Glee
Guillermo Paz onto Glee
Guillermo Paz onto Glee
GleeSeason I chuckled every single time Figgins said Ke$ha by actually reading it "dollar sign".
Guillermo Paz onto Glee
Guillermo Paz onto Glee, Spoilers
Lucy I hate it!!!! Sam and Quinn has to be together I was lik y the hell did he breakup she deserves a second chance! Boys are always deserving second chances, and plus santana sucks she is not fit at all! Hope Quinn and Sam get together again. I been thinking, lately wat about the promise ring?
Rabbits I really like Sam and Quinn to be together! Come on! They are well suited together. Don't like this twist. I don't even like Rachel and Finn. Seeing Rachel's face irritates me even her role in Glee. Sorry if some of Rachel's fans are offended. But this is my on opinion. :)
