Casonia Sade Logenberry...Have a wonderful fantastic and outstanding day and always remember to call your parents and tell them you love them very much...Stay warm and well and take care each and every person on this Earth.
House needs his Meds and...It makes him feel normal but at the same time...Keeps him blunt and to the point and with his words comes hurt feelings and House is so smart and Handsome and attractive and Bold he can play off any one...Yes it is nice to see his acting and it is outstanding and fantastic at the same time..This Role was made for him!
Casonia Sade Logenberry..Want to wish every one on this earth a Beautiful Day and good Health and Good Joy. The world of Peace and love and concern
There are reasons in this world? Why Drugs are created and...It is a Choice to choose and...People have that right to take something that makes there body feel normal and who are we to tell another person...What to put in there own Body.
Casonia sade logenberry of seattle washington wishing every one a good day and good health and Happy Thankgiven as well..Stay strong and watch weather well.
I know House often hurts peoples feelings and really kicks them in the butt with his rude manner but that is something I Really find attractive about this man and when he works with other people...They really play off him well and that is the key to this show....People may come and go and stay and play but the show is built around a man who tells it like it is and that is the reason his show is pure joy.
Casonia Sade Logenberry...Have a wonderful fantastic and outstanding day and always remember to call your parents and tell them you love them very much...Stay warm and well and take care each and every person on this Earth.
It is worth listening to this man on so many level and what is so great about his words and feelings and thoughs is that...He has the nerve to speak up and say what is on his mind and really put everything on the table and always has something smart and amazing and mind blowing to say but who ever wrote this show and created this show is amazing and wonderful themselves...Because of the writter and creative teams are fantastic and Smart and funny and outstanding.
Been thinking about buying shades. All the shades in that pool scene were awesome.
Can someone list them?
House: Oakley Impatient(thanks botulism)
which one's is Chase wearing and Foreman?
@ Adam , House is wearing Oakley Impatient
I actually caught this episode. I don’t' get to see all of them. I missed the first half so this synopsis was very helpful. I was so certain Nadia would not take the drugs. I have had mental addictions to "not forgiving" and it was difficult to kick even with medication, but I was reluctant to take it. I think this is the best dramatic series on TV other than Smallville, my ultimate favorite. I can watch all the episodes now that I'm having my employee HD DISH Network service installed tomorrow morning. I can watch in full HD now without pesky antenna interruptions (signal in Denver is bad) and record so I can watch during the day since I work evenings. HD is free for life too for anyone that qualifies now.