Tag: Katrina Darrell

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Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Series & TV » Blog Archive » American Idol News: Is Kara Dio Guardi leaving American Idol after first and only season? [...] saw Kara DioGuardi on bikini going for it on season finale of American Idol… was it all [...]
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Hot News » American Idol Winner Season 8 [...] American Idol Season 8 Winner! « Supporting the Dream of Adam Lambert … And Why Not?...Series & TV » Blog Archive » American Idol Season 8 Finale: Kris Allen is the Next A...Watch American Idol Season 8 Finale Winner Announced | Watch American Idol Season 8 Finale Winner [...]
Series & TV » Blog Archive » American Idol Finale: Video of Kara Dio Guardi and Bikini Girl [...] Kara DioGuardi attempts to out-expose Bikini Girl. That was one of the highest moments of American Idol finale where Kris Allen won American Idol [...]
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Sarah Casey Carlson will win American Idol for sure! If you watch Kelly Clarkson's first audition Casey's was way better, she is so beautiful and is just meant to be a star. My new favorite site is http://CaseyCarlson.net -- this is going to be voting HQ so make sure you bookmark it!
Fotos sexys de Casey Carlson en bikini. La más hot de American Idol | Está dable [...] es hora de mostrarles a la que eligieron como lás más sensual de las participantes de American Idol de la [...]
