BEST FUNERAL EVER - Programs - TLC - Discovery Press WebArticle by Guillermo Paz.

Shows that are a bit strange thrive these days on TV. Exactly the case for this one: Best Funeral Ever is coming back for seven more episodes on TLC, come October 25th.

In this show about celebrating the departed by a going home party the appearance of quite bizarre funerals is what makes this show unique in its premise, as is the company behind the non scripted show.

For most of us, death is a time to mourn and shed tears for the departed. For others, it’s a time to honor their loved ones and celebrate the life through services that turn the traditional funeral on its head. In the one- hour special, BEST FUNERAL EVER, TLC goes inside the Dallas-based Golden Gate Funeral Home where John Beckwith Jr. and his staff organize the most unique ceremonies in the country, called home-going celebrations.

“A home-going is much different than a funeral, it’s a celebration, explains John Beckwith, Jr. The Golden Gate experience is our version of the traditional African American home-going celebration. We do not produce generic funerals; everybody’s experience has to be different.”

What do you think? Are you happy Best Funeral Ever got renewed? Let me know in the comments section. Follow me on Twitter for more scoop or check the complete and updatable lists of renewed shows of 2013 and cancelled shows of 2013.

