Is your house not suited for your needs?
Do you have a compelling story?
Do you think you can be a part of ABC´s Reality Show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition?
Do you want Ty Pennington and his crew to change your life?
Well, then perhaps you are looking to be a part of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, but you don´t know how.
First of all, download Extreme Makeover: Home Edition application form.
Then, read it thouroughly.
Afterwards, you must make a home video about you, your family and your home, in any of the following formats: DVD, MINI DV, VHS, and MINI DVD.
The application form is quite extense, so you should as I said, download it and read it, and complete it.
But what´s very nice from those folks at ABC is that they prepared an easy How To make your Extreme Makeover Home Edition´s application video Guide with many many tips:
Remember: Accepted video formats include: DVD, MINI DV, VHS, MINI DVD (that has been finalized from your camera). Please view video before shipping to us. As a back-up plan make yourself a copy in the event that your tape gets lost. No tapes will be returned to you.
Dear Family:
First off, you should relax and have fun with us! The main purpose of this video is for us to meet your family, see your house, and find out why you deserve a home makeover. Please make sure that all members of the household are present for the taping and appear and speak on camera at least once. If you are not a current member of the household, the only time you should be on camera is if you are doing a nomination.
Please know this tape could be used on television so make sure appearances are fit for TV! The colors white and red are not television-friendly colors, nor are tight check patterns or stripes. Logos on t-shirts should also be avoided. You should dress casual as if you were going out for a family dinner or nice lunch. Ladies, please take the time to put on light make up and look nice. This is the first impression you are making on producers. For example, try not to wear sweat pants unless that’s all you have.
The key is you want the folks at ABC to fall in love with your family and that means revealing all the layers. We want to see your bubbly fun personalities when you are saying hello and good-bye and giving us the tour. We want to see you speak from your heart even if it means being emotional when you tell us your story. We need to know what it is like for you and your family when times are tough and when the tough times make you strong.
Good Luck. We look forward to meeting your family!
SHOT LIST: (please make sure the following appear on your tape and it does not matter what order you tape it in)
You should know that the casting department will edit your tape, so don’t get nervous if you screw up, just keep talking, we can cut around it. IT IS OUR JOB TO MAKE YOU LOOK YOUR BEST!
Just give us the following elements:
1. Family Greeting Shot
• Entire family that lives in the home stands outside of the front door of house for Family
Introduction. (Ex: “Hi, ABC! We’re the ______ Family”…big waves and smiles and lots of
energy.) After that, each family member should say his or her FIRST names and ages.
Make sure this is a tight, static shot where you put the lens on wide, yet get as close as
you can. Please give us multiple takes of this. You can be as creative as you want to be
with the family introductions.
• (Lots of personality & really loud & fun)
2. Family Goodbye Shot
• Family stands in same place as above and says “Goodbye ABC! Thanks for coming!” etc.
The key for these two shots is enthusiasm.
3. Tour of Home
• Then invite us into your house and show us around. During this portion, there should always be someone in front of the camera giving a tour.
• One person can do the main rooms in the house but each person should give us a tour of their respective rooms.
• While you give the tour show us the most problematic areas AND include your family’s story. Talk about how your life situation relates to your house and how having your home fixed would improve your life. It is important that you open up to us during the tour and give us a chance to get to know you. We are not only casting your house but your family!
• Don’t forget to give us a tour of the outside of the house and yard including a 360 view from the front of your house. Its best if we have a sense of where your house is, what the property is like and how close you are to your neighbors so we can plan properly.
4. Interviews
• Sit down and talk to camera like an interview and tell us your story. Explain your situation, why you think you deserve a makeover. During this portion you want to be emotional, open up and ask for help. (If you are more comfortable alone, set your camera on a tripod and make sure you are in frame and then just talk to the camera.
-Why your family is unique (do they volunteer, etc)
-How you all have overcome adversity
-How much you all love each other
-How it would improve your lives if we make the house over
-Why do you all need a makeover NOW?
-Tell us why your kids/parents inspire you
– Tell us a short funny story about your family- (something that when you think back- it still makes you laugh)
-What is your biggest fear for your family as it relates to the condition of your current home
5. If someone else is nominating you
that person should also appear on camera and tell us why they are nominating you and tell us about why you deserve this, why you need this and how it will help your family if you get this.
BASIC CAMERA TIPS (Interview and Tour):
1. If you are the person operating the camera during the tour, please don’t talk. Your job is to pay attention to holding the camera steady, lighting, sound, etc.
2. Camera angles are important. Please make sure there isn’t a large amount of space between the tops of heads and the top of the screen (we call this “head space”).
3. During an interview, if you are asking questions to prompt the person talking on camera, don’t talk over them and ask them to repeat the question in the answer. If you are not on camera, your voice will be cut out.
4. DON’T use the zoom feature. Keep the lens on wide and move your body if you need to get closer to something.
5. Keep your movements slow and steady, the lens can’t move as fast as your eye.
6. If you are the one operating the camera and the subject (person giving the tour) is talking, KEEP THE CAMERA ON THEM. You can always give us a nice slow pan of the room before you move on.
7. Use auto focus and pay attention to how much light is in the room.
8. If its daytime, don’t stand in front of a window without blinds, you will appear backlit and just look like a shadow. Close the blinds and turn on all the lights.
9. Please turn off TV and Radio in the background and make sure that people who aren’t on camera are not talking. That goes for noisy pets, no matter how cute they may be!
10. If you don’t have a tripod, consider setting the camera on a table or something that the camera can sit on. Some have used phone books piled up on a table to get good height.
11. Please don’t chew gum.
12. Make sure the Time/ Date stamp is off so it doesn’t show up on the video.
13. If you are being interviewed, please don’t sit in a rocking and / or swivel chair. Also, be mindful of fidgeting while you are talking to camera.
Now that you read it all… are you eligible for an Extreme Makeover: Home Edition visit?
[…] If you need more tips on how to make your video tape, check out the How to do a casting video to Extreme Makeover Home Edition. […]
[…] un embole para las víctimas que lo tengan que ver tiempo después, acá van una adaptación de los consejos de Extreme Makeover, el famoso reality de la TV estadounidense, para hacer un video […]
I have someone i would like to nominate for home extreme makeover. She is actually living with her parents, but terrible things have happened to her. Nothing is wrong with the home. I was wondering if she would still be eligible to have a home makeover. It would be making a entire new home- so not a makeover she would need a entire new home (because she dosen’t have one).
I know someone who is homeless. Her name is Deborah Walker.
I am not special, I’m just a person who will help anyone who needs it. I am a 53 year old black woman with epilesy and in need of help. I just recently moved because I could no longer pay the rent and bills. I have made a concerted effort to find employment, but to no avail, I’m still unemployed. I struggle to buy my medicine, food, the very basics in life. My daughter is allowing me to stay with her for a period of six months, then after that I don’t know will happen to me. I live between her one bedroom apartment and my car. Even though I’m suffering right now, I still have strength and courage to invest into someone else’s life when and wherever I can.
Please consider Deborah Walker.
Thank you!!!!!
well, i am 27 years old,i decided to participate in this show because i don’t have a house, … i lost my family…my father died 10 years ago,my mother is been living in the us for almost 15 years, i know nothing about my 2 brothers and sister, and i’m trying to have a better living,i lost the feeling to be secured ,i don’t have a place to go, i live in lebanon,can you help me to have a house, even a small room in wich i can live and spend the rest of my life, can you do an episode of your show in lebanon, can you help me?
Hi my name is jessica clark i am 20 years old i have a 8 month old son who i want to give a good life too all my life i bounced from house to house when i was 13 i went into foster care i got out when i turned 18 im living with my family we all live off my moms ssi check its no where near enough money to live on but we always get what we need when we need it that means asking EVERYONEwe can do work for them to get help i cant find a job to save my life time are harder than ever and they keep getting harder i ask god everyday to get me and my family through hard times and he does no matter what could you please please help my family and i we will work in anyway we can if you could help us im not asking for anything free i dont know if you are help get people jobs or what im sick of moving house to house i hope your able to help my family and i thank you and god bless
My name is Dennis Paul. I am 44 years old, and I have a special request: I want to work on the show. I am a certified Technical Project Manager, graduated from ITT Tech, and I can’t think of a better way to put my new education to use, as well as my years in construction, to use, than to apply for a spot on your team. I’m just not sure where to send my resume. I could apply at the main ABC site, but what job do I apply to?I would do this job for free if I was given the chance, just to be able to give the kind of joy away to people the way you guys on the show do. I will keep trying to find ways to get the resume to the right people, and in the meantime, keep on giving away all the joy and happiness, and filling up my heart as you do. They say the gift is in the giving. I have to agree. I just wish I could be a part of what it is that you guys do now. I’m not getting any younger. Pay it forward,whoever reads this, in some way, to someone in need, and I gaurentee it will pay dividends like you never imagined. God Bless all on the show, and off camera. You do Gods work, all of you.
i would like to work with you i dont know what type of positions there are
i watched you build the grys family home two years ago of pekin illinois
is there an address or phone number where i could make contact
Hello, I am the caretaker of the lady I want to nominate, She lives in an apartment, does she still qualify for this opportunity? She has a 10yr old daughter and she has muscular dystrophy. It would be such a blessing to get her out of that small apartment and into a home of her very own where she can move around comfortably in her wheel chair. GOD BLESS!!! ;0)
The thing is I don’t have a video camera, But I’ve been a single mom since I was 15. I’m 33 now and have four children. I also have an elderly and disabled mom whom cant be left alone for to long. We live in an old two bedroom trailer. I met a really good man about a year and a half ago. He has taken on the responsibility of being a dad to my children. He lives 5 trailers down from my moms. We moved in with him but between my boyfriend the kids and myself we all take turns staying with my mom to take care of her. My 13 year old and my 12 year old were both diagnost with ADHD and my 17 year old was diagnosted with hyperthyroidism so it is really a full time job for all of us. Plus with econmy the way it is there is no jobs out there and since I had children at such a young age I had to drop out of school so with no education its makes it hard to find a job. We really need help so that we can all live closer and be able to watch out for each other and take care of my wonderful mom.
ciao abc,mi chiamo francesco ho 38 anni e ti scrivo dall’Italia(Sicilia),non sò se voi accettate inviti da fuori NAZIONE,ma io sono un grande fan di Extreme Makeover home edition.Io scrivo perchè ho davvero bisogno di voi!ho una famiglia composta da 3 figli e mia moglie,la mia casa è davvero piccola 50 mq con un piccolo giardino mal’andato di circa 150 mq,ma il problema piu grave sono i miei 2 figli!uno purtroppo soffre di un disturbo simile all’autismo ha bisogno di cure continue e in piu soffre di una malattia chiamata pseudortumor è terribbile quando è in atto perde i sensi e si accollassa,l’altro figlio ha subito un trauma da tutto ciò e deve essere curato a livello pschiatrico….!è una situazione molto brutta e io come padre volevo dare ai miei 3 figli una vita piu comoda non hanno spazio dove giocare,figuratevi che la loro cameretta è di circa 6 mq e ci devono dormire tutti e tre!vi prego se leggete questa email rispondete così io vi manderò filmato e modulo….grazie comunque abc!!! siete grandi!!!
where does i have ti send the paper for participate in home extreme makeover?
can i participate if i live in cancun.mexico?
My name is Kelcy Jones.I am the grandmother of 9 grandchildren going on 10 in about 3 months.We are trying to adopt our tenth baby boy grandchild.I live in a three bedroom apartment 5 boys,ages ranging from 16 month-5 yrs-8yrs-9yrs-and 14 yrs and 7 months.All are WONDERFUL boys who love to dance like Michael Jackson.They are Derrick Issacc,Maurice,Christopher,Micah,and Moses.And pretty soon Draylon will join soon.He’s 7 months.There are 4 girls.Kelcy,she is 5 yrs.Christina,she is 6 yrs.Jessica,she is 10.And Christaisha,she is 12.We live in a 3 bedroom apartment.We DESPEARTLY need a bigger house.As the family is growing number 11 is on the way in about 4 to 5 months.HOPEFULLY we will be able to keep him/her.Our DREAM is to keep all the brothers and sisters as a family together FOREVER!
hello how are you.’m Linette of the Dominican Republic, I love your program. I do not speak English but I understand completely mucho.sueño to fix my mother’s house, yet I have no resources, I am poor and I just turned the age of majority in my country that is 18. and do not work yet. when I go to college to study interior design, I love that like to know if is possible I can help remodel the house to my mom as a decoration only. I would like to receive your response this is my facebook if you want to contact me: Linette DE LA CRUZ. and my messenger is li.nette24 @ thanks. bay. I await your response.
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my name is edithwright im 54 i won,t to contunie helping babies how do i get chosen my stort is already on your desk please i am a granmother of 6 wonderful grandkids and a infant caregiver of 3.500 and counting please move that bus god bless thank you
Hi i want to know if you can go to mexico and do a very special home to a cousin
They need a home for the needs of my cousins
Thank you, ABC
i know a family in peru who would be happy if you give a help at home… they are always struggling .. they just need more space on their apartment to have a better life.. is it possible??? just tell me yes or no.. that’s it
My name is Lori, I am married to the most wonderful man and we have the two most beautiful sons in the world. They are Joseph ( he is three) and Michael ( he is one). We had and apartment. We got it two weeks before we had our first son. Then in August 2011 we lost our apartment when are sons were only 2 yrs and 7mons old, my Husband got extremely sick in march 2011 and was hospitialized for almost two weeks, and we are lucky to have him still here with us. he hthen needed to take some time out of work and they found a “reason” to fire him becasue they were mad that he got sick and needed to be out on Dr’s orders then shorty after that he was diagnosed with diabetes, so that put us behind on money and that is why we lost our apartment. We ended up having to move in with his parents, who also had there daugther and youngest son still living with them as well as their daughters fiance’, about two weeks after we moved in their daughter found out, she and her fiance were pregnant. we now have 10 people living in a four bedroom house. My husband and I share a room with our two sons and my sister in law and her fiance’ share a room with there son. I was a faithful watcher of extreme home makeover. I would be so grateful to be able to be chosen for this. I would also want to move my mother home she lives in North carolina and she wants to come back home to Rhode Island, but she cannot afford it. My mother has had a very hard life, she raised Myself, my brother and my sister and took care of my father who had been very sick almost all his life. she is the most amazing woman in the world to me. ( I Love you Mom). Thank you for taking your time to read this and considering it. God Bless
I am brasilian, I liked of participation the program.