In an interesting and probably hilarious move, The Simpsons meet American Idol on season finale, starring Simon Cowell, Ellen Degeneres, Kara DioGuardi, Randy Jackson and Moe as judges on American Idol.

Just as a preview you can watch the video of Simon Cowell and Ellen Degeneres on The Simpsons.

Fox Broadcasting will surely miss having Simon Cowell as a judge on American Idol, and will have a headache trying to figure out who to replace Simon Cowell with as judge.

But, for now… we can still watch Simon Cowell as a judge, and we can watch him with the Simpsons in the season finale.

What do you think? Is this a good move by Matt Groening and his guys?

Watch American Idol Simon Cowell and Ellen Degeneres video on The Simpsons season finale teaser trailer

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