the-revolution-cancelled-renewed-abcMore information to fill the lists for cancelled shows of 2012 and renewed shows of 2012.  And in this case, after all the drama surrounding the soap operas cancellations from last year, the show that came as a replacement got cut. Well, one of the shows, actually. ABC cancels The Revolution after just one season on the air and after a long struggle in the ratings.

Katie Couric´s talk show will replace the show starting in September, meaning that something had to give on ABC afternoons. And while most bets were on ABC cancelling General Hospital, it is The Revolution the show that gets cancelled, after one season of air, making July 9th the last airing of the makeover show on the alphabet network.

The Revolution was getting half the ratings of General Hospital and The Chew, and that is the main reason behind ABC´s cancellation of The Revolution. Understandable, and that also means that soap opera fans avoid getting another slap, after just one year of the cancellations of One Life To Live and All My Children.

What do you think? Are you sad that The Revolution got cancelled during its first season? Let me know in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more scoop about shows getting cancelled as The Revolution did.

