private-practice-cancelled-renewed-season-six-final-abcMore information to fill the lists for cancelled shows of 2012 and renewed shows of 2012. And this one is another of the yet to be officially confirmed kind of news. But ABC is to renew Private Practice for season six, most possibly, series last. After a late surge in the ratings, since the show scheduling shift, posting a 29% ratings gains from the previous airing.

Also, let´s remember that Kate Walsh is under contract for a potential sixth season, and that´s a star you don´t let go so easily. Season six renewal for Private Practice would be the show´s last season, and the order would be for thirteen episodes, but there are still chances for an eighteen episodes season, and slimmer chances for even a twenty two episodes season.

This can also mean that show creator Shonda Rhimes is the biggest workaholic around, since she may be executive producing four shows next year with Grey´s Anatomy, Private Practice, Scandal and the upcoming – now in pilot – Gilded Lilys.

Private Practice is getting renewed for season six and last. How long a season is yet to know and hope for longer than thirteen.

What do you think? Are you happy that Private Practice got renewed? Let me know in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more scoop about shows getting renewed as Private Practice did.

Update: It´s official now. ABC renewed Private Practice for season six.

Update: It´s official. Private Practice ends on season six episode thirteen, making it to go onto the list of Cancelled and Ending Shows.

Shonda Rhimes announced the series will end in February, marking show´s last airing. In her announcement she said:

I’m sad to say that Private Practice‘s run will end after episode 613 this season. There was a lot of discussion and debate but, in the end, the guys at the network and the studio and I all decided that Private Practice was reaching its finish line.

Creatively, we are all extremely proud of the show and especially proud of this season — which you will all soon discover is a creative renaissance. I can’t wait for you to see it.

It’s heartbreaking to end. Truly. I feel so lucky to write for these characters and tell these stories and I truly feel this show has taught me so much as a writer. And there’s a family here, of crew and cast, people who have bonded over these past five-and-a-half seasons. It’s rare for a show to go for more than 100 episodes and we are incredibly proud to have been such a show. And we’re grateful to all of you for spending time with us for an hour every week for the last six years. It’s meant the world.

