Set at a mystical watering hole at the edge of the universe, the series stars William Sanderson (“True Blood,” “Lost,” “Deadwood”) as James, the 20,000 year-old bartender, Matthew Humphreys (“Obsessed,” “Big Love,” “The Forgotten”) as bar owner Doug Jones, and Cassie Howarth (“Deranged High,” “Deathclock”) as the lone waitress, Dayna. The series answers the age-old question: “What would happen if you could change your fate?” Set in a time traveling bar owned and operated by members of the mysterious organization Karma, Inc., each weekly episode follows a new bar patron as they enter at happy hour and must make a life-changing…and possibly world-saving …decision.
Show premiered last week, and we told you best moments of Bar Karma premiere. Well, tomorrow, the second episode of Bar Karma airs on Current. This one called Once Upon a Time in which a writer arrives at Bar Karma and learns that his latest manuscript will inspire an act of terrorism, but remains unconvinced that a children’s book could lead to such violence. The winning storyline was submitted by user Jason Lee Holm, a Barberton, OH, Interactive Developer.
There are also two contests running:
- Be a TV Programmer – Current TV Bar Karma launches contest
- Bar Karma music studio launched by Current TV
Will you watch Bar Karma episode Friday February 18 10/9 C on Current TV? Let me know in the comments section.
Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Bar Karma spoilers and scoop.