glee-thriller-michael-jackson-superbowl-mashupOk, All the Glee fans will be Thrilled, why? well… simply put, because as Tim Stack announced, Glee will perform Thriller by Michael Jackson on Superbowl day episode.

If you were all excited about the songs by Gwyneth Paltrow on Glee´s substitute, you will be even more come Superbowl time, when you watch Glee cast members take on a Michael Jackson´s Thriller mashup (with a yet to be selected song), as a part of the halftime show for the football game played during the episode.

As Tim Stack reported on EW, Although “Thriller” is featured in the episode, it will not be a Michael Jackson tribute episode. Nor will it be a tribute to Bruce Springsteen, as rumors have suggested. In fact, our source says that the only pop star truly considered for the Super Bowl episode was Sir Elton John.
The post-Super Bowl episode will instead keep with the evening’s sports theme and focus on the local football championship and Sue Sylvester’s cheerleading regionals (the “Thriller” mash-up will be played during halftime of the onscreen pigskin game). Basically, it will be a classic episode of Glee, but just bigger and better; Gleeks can also expect appearances from season two fan favorites: Blaine (Darren Criss) and Coach Beiste (Dot-Marie Jones). Oh, and General Motors is co-sponsoring the episode, which likely means there will be limited commercial interruptions.

What do you think? Will you watch Glee cast members take on a Michael Jackson´s Thriller mashup? Let me know in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Glee scoop and spoilers.

Photo Credit: Inside TV – Entertainment Weekly

