barney-stinsons-spoilers-how-i-met-your-mother-sisterOk, over the seasons the question has been, Who is the mother on How I Met Your Mother. We thought it was Sarah Chalke at one point, and we kept wondering about different important girls of the show.
One thing we know for sure is, she was the unknown roommate of Rachel Bilson´s character Cindy, and we also know for sure she has a yellow umbrella. But not a whole lot more.
But wait! We know something else, we know he meets her on Barney´s wedding. Who Barney marries is a different theory altogether, but bear with me on this one about Who the mother is on How I Met Your Mother.
When Barney meets his father Jerry Whitaker, played by the uber great John  Lithgow, we also get to meet his family, Nancy Travis playing the wife and Cheryl, and the son JJ Whitaker, but, and here´s the theory part, Jerry has a daughter who is going to college and we did not get to meet. Probably she was in the classroom where Ted Mosby mistakenly started his class, she is probably Cindy´s roommate, but also, and here´s the important thing, Barney´s sister would probably get invited to Barney´s wedding, even making Barney and maybe Robin, Ted´s kids actual Uncle and Aunt.
So, what do you think about this Spoiler theory for How I Met Your Mother that Barney´s sister is the mother? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.
Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more How I Met Your Mother scoop.

