psych-dule-hill-james-roday-interview-spoilersTomorrow´s the big day when Psych Returns. I already watched the episode and wrote a full review with spoilers and quotes from Psych S05E10 Extradition II.

But now it´s time for a spoiler interview on Psych Season 5!

We were kindly invited to participate in a little Q&A With James Roday and Dule Hill from Psych (Well, not so little… transcript is about 37 pages, so we have material for a while and several articles here with spoilers from Psych season 5)

Question from Troy Rodgers at what can you tell me about the “Twin Peaks” inspired episode on Psych Season 5?

James Roday:    Well I can tell you that it is probably the most proud I have been of any of our achievements on the show, which as you know have been plentiful.

Troy Rodgers:    Yes.

James Roday:    It’s me basically being a fan boy. “Twin Peaks” was my favorite show of all time. And, you know, to be able to work with seven of the original cast and basically pretend like I was in an episode of “Twin Peaks” was unbelievable.

In addition to that, and I think it’s just something that Dule and the rest of the cast all got to enjoy as well, we discovered that several of the original cast members hadn’t seen each other in 15 or even 20 years. So we were basically doing a “Twin Peaks” reunion within our “Twin Peaks” show. And watching them sort of reconnect and reminisce was pretty special as well. So it was sort of like two unbelievable experiences for the price of one.

Question from Anne Bailey from The tell me the best thing about working with the other.

Dule Hill:    Well I would say from my side the best thing about working with Roday would be I guess the challenge of working outside the box. That would be it for me. I mean he’s such a talented actor that his mind will go anywhere and sometimes keeping up and staying on the train is a challenge for me but I enjoy it. You know, it’s a muscle that I haven’t really used in previous parts of my careers. So I’m definitely enjoying the time right now.

James Roday:    That’s it? That’s all you’ve got?

Dule Hill:    Yes, that’s all I’ve got man. That’s it. That’s all I got.

James Roday:    That’s very nice actually. Thank you.

Well I would say that in addition to, you know, the obvious which is that Dule is a very gifted actor as well and that he actually makes my job easier by keeping us on the tracks so that I can do all my crazy stuff. I mean that’s sort of what makes the show work and that’s why our chemistry has been so good from the beginning. It’s sort of a – pieces just really fell into place nicely and we’re very lucky.

But also he also says everything that we’re both thinking that have nothing to do with acting whether it’s weather-related or food-related or trailer-related or anything you can think of, you know, we’re always thinking the same thing but then he always says is out loud and then I don’t have to which is awesome.

What did you think about this first part of a Psych spoiler interview with James Roday and Dule Hill?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more Psych Scoop and Spoilers.

