Travis M
Burn Notice tip to When you need – ahem – privacy in an elevator:
“Take surveillance cameras, for example — you can disable one by shooting a laser at it and overloading the light-sensitive chip.”
I'd actually be interested in trying this and seeing how well it works and I imagine it could be useful in certain situations.
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Suzanne Kirkland
Burn Notice tip - When you realize your only friends are on Twitter:
“If you wanna make a friend, solve a problem for them. No problem to solve? Create one.”
Most of my friends ARE only on twitter. It's a price that comes with being a TV nerd. When trying to 'branch out' into real life social experiments, making someone believe there is a problem only you can solve is a great way to make friends. The friendship will start off on a lie, but at least you'll have friends...
Travis M
I've always been partial to Magic Eight Ball Head for Gus and Shawn Gthorndal because having the silent G makes it that much more awesome.
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Beth T.
Well, these are the ones that made me laugh hardest this week: Chesterfield McMillan (and wife)--because it is just another wink at cheesy, much-loved old tv--and Mister Bob Dobalina--because it's such an inside joke, and gets that song in my head (Mister Dobalina, Mister Bob Dobalina...). But truly, I could have picked two dozen of each, because they are so silly and funny and referential and affectionate. The friendship between Shawn and Gus is really quite special.
Travis M
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Travis M
I think they will work Ben back in somehow early on next season, also at some point Auggie is going to have to make some kind of romantic choice involving Annie.
I love the show, I plan my day around when the show is comming on. I make sure that I am not doing any errands, or working the night that it comes on. If I have to work that night, you better believe that I will DVR it so I can watch it as soon as I get home.
Belinda M
The reason to watch is simple, it is the best show out there and has fantastic story lines
Cindy Smith
My 5 year old granddaughter is fun and witty. Here is a Facebook post between her and my oldest daughter, her aunt.
Her: Where's Angel?...Me: Visiting his mommy...Her: His mommy?...Me: Yes he needs to spend time with his mommy just like you or myself has to spend time with our mommy...Her: Auntie who is your mommy?...Me: Well, Grandma Zona is my mommy and your mom's mommy...Her: No she's my Grandma Zona my mom is from Wyoming...Me: Well, I am from Wyoming too but I still have a mommy that made me. Where do you think you are from?...Her: I was made in China but I already took my tag off.