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Guillermo Paz onto Characters, Lost
Guillermo Paz onto Lost, Spoilers
Pulpo let´s check it out
Cindy Hey is anyone familiar with host Al Trautwig, he does commentary for Knicks and Rangers and is actually a Lost fan, who knew! Anyway, he’s starting his own weekly lost blog where he discusses some of his theories on the whole time travel concept and how he thinks that Miles is the son of Dr. Marvin Candle! it’s really interesting.. http://blogs.msg.com/themonitor/2009/01/23/al-trautwigs-lost-thoughts-episode-1/
Guillermo Paz onto Lost
Guillermo Paz onto Lost
Guillermo Paz onto Lost
- Are You Riled Up? - » Blog Archive » 23 Best Moment of Lost - Welcoming Season 5 of Lost | Series & Tv [...] In doing so, he found out that the ship off shore wasn’t there to rescue them at all and dramatically used his final moments to tell Desmond. Even the most cynical of ‘Lost’ fans got choked up when Charlie died a hero twice over. …[Continue Reading] [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Episodes, Lost
Guillermo Paz onto Lost
Guillermo Paz onto Lost
Guillermo Paz onto Lost
Guillermo Paz onto Lost
What´s your favourite Lost Moment - Round 2 | Series & TV [...] The first round is over. [...]
Lost season 5 premiere exclusive sneak peak | Series & TV [...] we already said Lost is coming back on January 21st with a big time online [...]
