Casonia sade logenberry of Seattle washington
When your Divorcing some one that means that you are just going back to being friends and that also means no more Sex...When people fall out of love that means they don't want to share there Bodies with that person..Because some trust is broken and when two people nolonger see eye to eye that means there is a problem and sooner or later the marriage breaks down...Because two people are not willing to listen and solve the problems as the relationship goes on and so that is the reason for Divorce.
Phil Dunphy Best Quote of the Week – Selling Organs
[...] We already did a post on the Best Quotes from Phil Dunphy in Modern Family´s season one. And last weeks Halloween quote from Phil Dunphy. [...]
Barney Stinson is... I dare say - LEGENDARY!
Yeah, I said it.
But seriously, this show can brighten up my day, no matter how crap it was. It always finds a way to turn that frown upside down.
Barney is too funny, nobody could possibly be this awesome, save for the man who lives in Barney's mirror.... word up!
Its could be getting better if you do some research about micro-expression study ,that related in the show,
Cause you could 'learn' it,there're sources bout micro-expression available on net everywhere , and it does help you understand and know ppl better from emotion they show
Sitcom Wisdom: My Name is Earl Season 4 Episode 14 - Got the babysitter pregnant | Series & TV
[...] started a couple days ago a series of post filed under Series Wisdom with some Gregory House [...]
Series and Television wisdom: House MD Quotes | Series & TV - ezineaerticles
[...] unknown var varsarray=[]; varsarray[0]='10649'; if(!token) {var token='0'} else {var [...]