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A great episode of White Collar aired and left us with a huge Cliffhanger. And this is a major, mega White Collar Spoiler post, soy please, leave inmediately if you do not want to be spoiled.
The episode ended with a bang, and Larssen shooting Mozzie and stealing him his notebook. So, Is Mozzie dead on White Collar? Did Larssen manage to kill Moz?
Let´s see a review spoiler of White Collar episode.
Complete Recap and Review Spoiler of White Collar S02E09 Point Blank
Open with Burke, Neal and Mozzie looking at the music box. They open it with Neal’s key and find a second comb inside that plays a different song. Mozzie speculates the song itself could be a code. Neal wants to use the box to find Fowler but Burke says no.
On the street Neal and Mozzie discuss the fact Alex had both the music box and key at one point. They decide she must know something they don’t. Neal hints that he knows where Alex is and that she has not disappeared to Italy.
Burke tells Diana he thinks Neal wants to find Fowler and get more info on Kate’s death. Diana has information that Fowler accessed a checking account and might be in need of money. Burke’s plan is to pretend the insurance claim related to Fowler’s dead wife finally though and stick a bunch of money into the account. Diana return the music box to the safe.
Neal and Mozzie meet with an old friend in the fencing game. He tells them pieces of shipwrecked silver connected to Alex has begun to appear on the black market and the NYPD is suspicious. She is stealing her own stuff back. Neal tells Mozzie his plan is to “con the FBI.”
Neal’s plan is to forge a White Collar case file dealing with the silver and see if they can get Burke to think he discovered it himself. Neal’s landlord needs him to babysit he dog for a few days. Mozzie and Neal age the fake file to make it look legit.
Burke looks over old files with Elizabeth. She spots Neal’s file and Burke seems excited.
Burke comes into the office and asks Neal about stolen Spanish silver. The team reviews the file. Burke believes the NYPD has missed the fact that each time this cat burglar strikes a piece of 17th century silver is involved. They have three potential targets for the thief courtesy of insurance records.
Diana tells Burke there was a hit on Fowler attempting to make an ATM withdrawl.
Mozzie is having trouble finding a cod in the newest music box song. He knows a code maker who might be able to help them.
Diana tells Burke she found Fowler hiding under an alias. The hits on that alias include a “big one” which Burke doesn’t know if Neal can handle.
Neal meets Alex and gives her a head’s up just before she was going to steal from the family the feds are staking out. He says he doesn’t want to turn her in and asks for info on the music box code. He offers to get the target off her back once and for all, suggesting she break into Diana’s place and steal back the music box.
Neal returns to the surveillance van just after Burke tells Diana to look into Fowler’s alias. He wants her to stay away from the office and work from home. Neal tries to convince her not to go home but she takes off anyway. After she leaves Burke tells him that Fowler’s alias was connected to the purchase of parts for the bomb used to kill Kate. Burke says they are closing in on Fowler.
We flash to Alex grabbing the music box just as Diana comes home. Alex leaves via the fire escape.
Diana calls Burke to tell him the music box is gone. Burke immediately suspects Neal is behind the theft and tells him he won’t get away with it.
The next day Diana shows Burke that a Russian heritage museum was anonymously given the music box and plans to display it next week before sending it back to Russia. Burke shows Neal the article and believes he is trying to draw Fowler out. Burke says he is “benching” Neal.
Mozzie goes to see the code maker at his antique store.. He hand the man the song just as Neal walks in and updates him on recent developments. Mozzie and the code maker guys head to the back to work on the song. Neal grabs a pistol before leaving the store.
The feds plan is to stake out the heritage museum and look for Fowler. Burke tells Diana he wants Neal’s ankle monitored watched closely.
Outside the museum Diana tells Burke Neal is at home.
We cut to Neal at his place. He places the gun in his pocket, grabs a forged invitations to the museum and unlocks his ankle monitor.
We see Fowler walk towards the museum. He enters and Burke goes in after him. Inside Burke chases Fowler up the stairs. Fowler locks himself in a room and glances out the window looking for an escape.
Mozzie returns home to see Neal’s ankle bracelet on the dog’s neck. Mozzie calls Burke to tell him Neal is out of his bracelet and is probably armed. Burke gives Diana a head’s up. While Fowler contemplates going out the window Neal arrives in the museum and gets his gun past security. Diana also moves inside the museum. Neal looks up and sees Fowler in the upstairs room. Diana spots Neal and informs Burke. Neal grabs onto a large banner and uses it to fly in through Fowler’s window. He pulls his gun on Fowler and asks why he killed Kate.
Fowler says what happened “cost me everything.” His career, his wife, etc. At this point Burke breaks into the room and Fowler says he did not kill Kate. Fowler tells Neal to go ahead and shoot him and Neal thinks about for a few moments. Eventually he tosses Burke the gun and is placed in cuffs. Burke asks Fowler if he killed Kate. Fowler says “no” and Burke says he wants answers.
Back at the FBI Fowler says he got info regarding who killed his wife. He killed the person and was videoed doing the deed. He was contacted by a blackmailer who said if he could get the music box the video would disappear. Fowler said buying the explosive was Kate’s idea, so they could pretend to have been killed. He doesn’t know who is pulling the strings but it is someone very powerful. The bomb exploded early and Fowler isn’t sure why. Fowler says Kate never called him.
A frustrated Neal stews at home.
Burke shows Fowler their shadowy picture of the guy they ran into earlier in the season. He regonizes it as a man named Larssen who was special forces. Diana comes in to report Mozzie’s code maker buddy was killed in his shop.
At the shop Burke spots the word “Eureka” written on a piece of paper. Mozzie and his buddy apparently found something. Burke realizes that Larssen would have seen Neal on the monitors and is likely the next target. We see Alex arrive at Neal’s apartment.
Alex and Neal have a drink. He tells her the target is off her back. Burke and Diana rush in with guns drawn only to see Alex handing Neal her phone number. She leaves and Burke tell him about the surveillance tape.
Cut to Mozzie sitting in the park. A mann walks by and shoots him then chest and takes his wallet. Mozzie slumps onto his side as the season ends.
So, what do you think? Is Mozzie dead on White Collar? Did Larssen kill Moz?
The sure bet is he´s not, since Wille Garson, the actor who plays Mozzie on White Collar, is listed for the show´s next episodes. So we can fairly assume Mozzie did not die on White Collar and Larssen did not kill Moz, just hurt him.
What do you think? Did Mozzie died on White Collar? Are you going to watch next episode of White Collar to find out? Head to the comments and let me know
Also, remember to follow me on Twitter for more White Collar spoilers and scoop.
well there a reason he could be listed and still be dead, it could be his funeral with his body showing, also he going to be on a movie called monster heroes
You are right, he might be… But they´ll work around his schedule. And he´s listed for several more episodes. Unless they go the “Flashback” or “Ghost” route, I´m thinking it´s safe to assume he lives.
I would not be surprised if Hollywood killed Mozzie. The writers for TV tend to be that shot-sighted. If they did they are throwing away a massive audience with me as one of those moving on to something else.
Monster Heroes is already in post-production so it is not likely he will need any time off for that. I hope they do not kill him off, he is one of the best characters on the show.
They better not kill-off Moz. They’ll certainly lose at least one viewer if they do
if mozzie is dead i’m done with this show. i’ve more than enjoyed it in most part to mozzie. if he’s not around i dont know if i can take any more of perfect crime solving in this show. it’s like the da vinci code where tom hanks cracks every code on the first try
I was just reading where the director is saying he is confirmed for a season 3, so he is not dead. Hurray!!!!!
mozzie is not dead they used a classic tv show trick. they shot him a little bit to the left of the middle of his chest. now most veiwers would beleive that would kill him seeing as they think he was shot through the heart. The gun shot itself would cause enough blood loss to captivate the audience without a thousand fans all yelling bullshit at the screen at once.here is my prediction for season return they show him get shot a few seconds later neil and peter show up ask what happened mozzie tells them who did it peter goes after the dude comes back a short time later says he lost him mozzie gets to the hospital in time and lives and neil now has another personal reason to go after him and they create the baddie for the upcoming episodes
Moz is the only interesting character on the show. the others are either walking suits or bouncing boobs.
Attention: White Collar writers, producer and director:
As I See… many people is Mozzie´s fan.
He´s one of the most beloved characters on the show, right?
Mozzie is famously the most intelligent character in the story.
He keeps, what, seven or so safe houses?
So Mozz sat in the open sipping coffee on a bench with a killer after him?
He wore a bullet proof vest with a stage blood packet, got a look at the bad guy, and passed off bad info to him, and possibly picked his pocket to boot.
Or, the writers are crazy.
Bit of a shark jump either way.
But I’m betting alive. His screen exposure has seemed to me to have increased nearly to the point of being out of character. This would give the writers a chance to dial it back, he’s scared you see.
If they killed Mozzie, I will no longer watch the show.
Bet Mozz has a batman-style bullet proof vest — to tie in with the batman theme that multiple characters were humming in the episode!
they cant kill moz because he is a key element of the show. it would be like killing off ziva in N.C.I.S.
Mozzie didn’t even get shot! A guy who was interviewing people in the park for a project walked by, stuck out his black microphone and simultaniously winged ketchup from his hotdog he was holding (which was out of the view of the camera) on mozzie’s shirt. Mozzie, who we all know has OCD freaks out and has a heart attack bc his favorite shirt was ruined. Mozzie comes back in the third season as a ghost of christmas past and Neal becomes the SCROOGE figure since he’s mad at everyone because Kate died.
The end.
They better not kill Mozzie, I will be pissed.
I agree with Chuch. Moz is wearing a bullet proof vest.
If Moz is dead than so is the show. I hope all the predictions that he is not are correct, because like everyone else’s responses…I will be done with the show if he is. Moz is too cool; absolutely my favorite, followed by Peter and Neil of course. Show is great as it is, don’t take Moz out…you can’t take Moz out, it changes the show too much! On that note, if he is alive and back than I hope the show lasts several seasons…great show!
I agree – if Moz is gone, I’m nit watching any more. When CSI killed off one if my favorite characters, I didn’t bother watching again – not even sure if it’s still on. Seriously – they can’t kill Moz, that would just be wrong.
If Mozzie is dead who the hell will help Neil??? You people better bring him back……or I’m gone…..seriously!!!!
So here is my theory, they set the whole thing up. Mozzie was wearing a bullet proof vest, and this fake blood packet right by his heart so if he got shot there, it would look like he was bleeding out. The have Mozzie use his photographic memory to find the guy or they had a camera guy hiding in the bushes to take his picture. And thats my theory on why Mozzies isnt dead. 🙂
[…] for guest stars, day players, and extras.(And after that cliffhanger in which we want to know if Mozzie is dead or alive… show´s on the […]
moz better be alive or im out. he is my favorite character by far
How much can Neal take, first Kate and now Mozzie! But I will cry like a baby if he is dead, he is one of my favourite charachter and actor!! They will make a really BIG MISTAKE if they kill mozzie!
Hey Me, Don’t be so sure that they didn’t kill Mozzie. Remember Kate was Ziva’s predacessor on NCIS and that show has lasted several years without Kate. Viva La Mozz
I love Mozzie! I don’t think I’d cry if Peter was gone, but Mozzie and the actor who plays him are te greatest!
You Know i hope that most of these people are right and Mozzi isn’t dead, but there are definitely ways they could keep him on the show, dead… for example: Neal could see his ghost, that wouldn’t be too out of character i mean mozzi was a huge part of Neal’s thought process and keeping his ghost near neal during his schemes wouldn’t be the strangest thing in the world.
Also they did introduce another character this episode!! Neal and Mozz’s old friend seemed very nice and more then willing to be a friend to Neal, he could end up being Neal’s ‘new’ mozzi
I personally love mozzi, not that i wouldn’t stop watching the show if he was gone, but i would watch it differently. the writers have made it so that people love mozzi and i think that they would be cautious about killing him off, i mean what would that add to the show?? they already have peoples’ attention, there is someone who is very powerful and who killed kate!! that’s enough for another season and to capture my attention!!!
Maybe Peter got to him in time and it was rigged to look like Moz got shot…
I bet nobody died on the show yet. I bet Kate bailed from the plane before it blew as part of some big con and moz had a bulletproof vest with a bloodpack so he could get the guy.
But on a more serious note, when mozzie lays his head down, it looks (at least to me) like he smiled a bit, like he just tricked that guy. And if they kill off mozzie not only will I never watch the show again I’ll never watch USA again, or TV again! Until breaking bad season 4 is back on that is…
Mozzie of all people have plenty of contingency plans for any situation, this one included. He probably planned for something like this to happen so he did wear a vest and play dead, or he left notes for Neal and Peter to figure out what he just figured out in future episodes (hence him still being on season 3). I don’t agree that with the statement that Mozzie was shot to the right of the heart, and therefore isn’t completely dead and will be transported to a hospital and saved. He was shot by a professional killer, he would not shoot to wound, but shoot to kill, and definitely not miss at that close of a range.
When does season 3 start??????
I wonder if Brick on The Middle could come in an be his long lost son on some episode ?
I think Dresden shot him with ketchup packets with his magic hockey stick. Or did they really kill off Moz for the Caddy driving fence, because June needs a beau. I think Moz will be saved by the bell by Kelly Kapowski.
of course Mozzie is still alive, and with his careful manor did not have anything written down, so since this is a 2 part code the assasin has half the code and Neil the other half. makes perfect sense why they would make a 2 part code…
If they’ve killed off Mozzie, they’ve wrecked the show. His character brought in much needed comic relief — without him, they will have destroyed the balance of the show.
You have it all wrong. He is not dead. His heart is not located in his chest. HE IS AN ALIEN. I saw him on Stargate SG1 a couple of years ago.
They had better not kill off Mozzie!
The producers of White Collar know as well as we do that Mozzie is a vital part of the show, and one of the funniest parts! If Neal loses anyone else close to him he’ll return to his life of crime, not caring what happens to him.
But just hurting Mozzie? That’ll piss off Neal so bad that he’ll work even harder to find Larssen, and THAT my friends would make for a good show!
I want Mozzie back…and Kate.
Otherwised the two lead characters just turn into a pretty version of “The Odd Couple”
Can they solve crimes together without driving each other CRAZY???
well, not sure they’re new clips, but the latest trailer on hulu seem to include new scenes, one of which has Mozzie at a table at Agent Burke’s home with the rest of the FBI crew and Caffrey, planning a sting/con thing. Although my memory’s itchy, it might be from that episode with the awesome cars and the dealership owner being implicated in something nasty. darn fuzzy memory. still, I hold out hope!
mozzie is a fucking white man and he’s not die from that pussy
He’s dead. But there will be running subsequent appearances as himself in many fond flashbacks.
Perhaps, what is he doing in that place? I hope he is not dead or else i wont watch anymore ;/
I really hope Mozzie isn’t dead. If he is I will cry like a little baby and I’ll still watch the show, but it just won’t be the same.
I want Kate and Mozzie back, without them we don’t see much of Neal’s past, plus their awesome characters. I WANT KATE AND MOZ, come on White Collar bring them back. We need them!
The plan explosion made me mad! I knew it was coming when she didn’t run out of the plane to hug him, I was like ‘Yeah there blowing up the plane…damn them’
Coming January Moz and Kate need to be alive and well.
no moz did not die i hope not but will the cia program return to this channel
If Mozzie is dead. Im trashing this series. If the writer really thinks that this is a good idea. His wrong… And im serious. If Mozzie is dead. They can count me out. Mozzie is one of the key characters and is even better while Garson is playing him. This is just sad sad sad sad sad……….
If Moz is gone then so am I… nuff said.
What’s the big deal? This is probably a relatively low budget show. Killing off actors (or not) is just a way to keep us (the viewers) interested in the show. You’ve seen it at the end of TV seasons in countless other shows. If Moz lives, it means the show has decided to pay him what he demands and deserves. If he dies, the show usually brings another player into the mix-example: Ziva. There are hundreds of ways to keep actors alive after they seem to die at the end of a season. Keep your chins up, fans.
moz is not dead because he is featured in commercials in the upcoming season
It would be ignorant to kill off one of the best characters on the show. Everyone loves Mozzie!
Morning All
I Love White Collar very much!
I hope they pick me too be with them too find Mozzie alive.
I hope he dosn’t die becoue it wont look good in my Book.
Morning All
The White Collar knows we never let People down.
I belive Moz will live for ever in all we see I rely like Moz & he’s wonderful in my Book.
cant wait for nxt episode… thank God Moz wont die
because if he will? screw white collar. 🙂
When shows the next episode?? I can’t find anything in web. Please if anybody knows something, please let me know. Thanks
google: white collar episodes and then the wikipedia one, you will see the schedules for the new episodes and if i am not wrong the next one would be on 18 january.
is the episode on 18th of janurary the one where it comes bak to see if he dies or not??
Well, I guess we’ll all find out tonight, but Mozzie strikes me as the kind of guy who would wear Kevlar to sit in the park, especially when he knows someone is out to cause him harm (hell, he’d sit in the park with Kevlar just because …) And he’s all over the promos, and he’s quite possibly the second most favorite character after Neil (he may just edge out Peter for some folks). They have a good formula going, if they have any brain at all they will not screw it up. So Moz might be in the hospital for a while, but I have no doubt our favorite ‘invisible man’ will rise again.
be one tenth episode!!!!
Dont u dare kill mozzie :O
Mozzie…is awesome please bring him back!!!
[…] Moz leaving White Collar? My bet is again no. I already bet he was not dying last […]