stana-katic-beckett-alive-dominic-purcell-castle-spoilerUPDATE 2: Tamala Jones is also confirming that Beckett is not dead, but alive. “I’m very overwhelmed by looking at that scene,” Tamala Jones, who plays Lanie, told the Comic-Con crowd after the screening. “It was very emotional the whole day because my friend’s dying and I’m trying to help save her. I had to stay in the mindset of death all day long.” That said, she promises that the outcome “is really going to be more epic than the season finale” itself.

It was reported on TV Line by Meg Masters.

UPDATE: Nathan Fillion confirmed to Michael Ausiello during Comic Con that the “I love you” Castle told Beckett is going to be addressed on the new season for Castle.
He even goes on to tease that Beckett is actually dead, but they then break down from that laughing to talk about her recovery in the hospital. (You can see the video of Nathan Fillion confirming Beckett is alive on Castle in the bottom of this post)

We all saw what happened on tonight´s season finale of Castle, after Captain Roy Montgomery´s death and a very emotional final sequence, we thought it was a part of the celebration of the Captain´s life. And it was certainly a huge emotional scene. But what few saw coming was the very last final seconds of it.

We already asked ourselves on a prior cliffhanger from last season if Kate Beckett was dead or alive after an explosion in her apartment.

But now, after Kate Beckett being shot and Rick Castle telling Kate he loves her, what will happen next season? Is Kate Beckett dying after all? Did Kate survive the shot?

Well, If you don´t want to know the spoiler, you should leave right now, and for instance visit my article on the top ten leading ladies of TV in which Stana Katic (who plays Beckett) ranks second.

And now onto Castle´s season four spoiler: Is Kate Beckett dead, is Kate Beckett alive?

Kate Beckett is alive, she was wearing a life vest just in case so she´s a little banged up and bruised, and she probably either did not hear Castle tell her he loves her, or awkward moments are ahead in season four, because they still won´t go there.

Do you need proof that Kate Beckett is alive? I can´t give you proof but I´ve been able to visit the set of Castle and word is they are planning on a big season premiere after this cliffhanger. But just to be clear… Wow, what a season finale of Castle!

What do you think about this? Are you relieved Beckett didn´t die on Castle? Let me know in the comments section.

And also, while we are at it with Twitter, follow me on Twitter for more Castle scoop.

