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Guillermo Paz onto Castle, Dexter, Drama, Dramedy, Modern Family, Psych, Sitcoms
Guillermo Paz onto Castle
Guillermo Paz onto Castle
Guillermo Paz onto Castle
Natural Handcrafted Soap Love those shows
Guillermo Paz onto Castle
Lauern What ls all abbot lanie and Toby Lang I don't kown I what EsposIto with castle Kate Beckett with mike Royce and Alex Conrad Tom Demming what you doing all man selp with tham Roy the Compton of PD
Guillermo Paz onto Castle
Guillermo Paz onto Castle
Guillermo Paz onto Castle
Best Quotes and spoilers from Castle S04E02 – Heroes and Villains [...] a memory in her mind of the moment when Castle tells Beckett he loves her, all that was answered in season four premiere of Castle, but this episode was thoroughly [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Castle
Guillermo Paz You know you should believe me and not Nathan... he´s trying to mess with you
Meg WTF! you said she lives! but Nathan says she dies! .... O_O which one of you is liying!?
Guillermo Paz onto Castle
