Tag: Anoop Desai

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Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Hot News » American Idol Top 5 [...] Blog Archive » American Idol top 7, the sequel: The saved, the suave, and the unshaven...Series & TV » Blog Archive » Lil Rounds and Anoop Desai get eliminated on American I...American Idol - the Top 7 « Chris2fer...Top 7 Double Elimination David Archuleta Season 8 2009 [...]
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Series & TV » Blog Archive » Lil Rounds and Anoop Desai get eliminated on American Idol Double Elimination Night [...] Desai get eliminated on American Idol Double Elimination Night April 23rd, 2009 Yesterday, Top 7 of American Idol had Disco Night; but tonight… doomsday… double elimination [...]
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Lori Jennifer...hate to correct you..but the role of artie on the episode of Home Improvement that you are talking about was played by Ryan Tomlinson
American Idol Top 6 | Hot Web Trends [...] Series & TV » Blog Archive » Matt Giraud out of American Idol Top …Matt Giraud out of American Idol Top 6… No wait… The judges saved Matt Giraud! April 16th, 2009. On Songs from the movies American Idol week, featuring Quentin Tarantino as The Mentor, the show started with a video recap of yesterdays … Read more [...]
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Series & TV » Blog Archive » American Idol April 14th: How to vote in American Idol and Tonight Performances - Top 7 American Idol [...] Idol and Tonight Performances - Top 7 American Idol April 15th, 2009 It’s down to the Top 7 in American Idol! And since tonight the show was about Songs from movies, they started with Ryan Seacrest presenting [...]
Series & TV » Blog Archive » American Idol April 7th: How to vote … | American Idol Latest From The Web [...] Read the original: Series & TV » Blog Archive » American Idol April 7th: How to vote … [...]
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
Series & TV » Blog Archive » American Idol March 31: How to vote in American Idol and Tonight Performances [...] It’s down to the Top 9 in American Idol! [...]
coffee Simon and Paula should stop trying to attract so much attention to themselves over the contestants, seriously
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol, Spoilers
