Tag: Dexter

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Guillermo Paz onto Dexter
Guillermo Paz onto Dexter
Guillermo Paz onto Dexter, Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Dexter
Guillermo Paz onto Dexter
Guillermo Paz onto Dexter
Guillermo Paz onto Dexter
natasha When Deb wakes from the dream about kissing Dexter does she say FUCK or Fucker??
Guillermo Paz onto Dexter
Dexter What im wondering is if gellar was dead all along or if travis killed him at a certain point, and then carried on doing the job for both of them.
Guillermo Paz onto Dexter
Dexter Spoiler: Did Travis kill Professor Gellar? Is Travis trying to kill Dexter? [...] Ok, I waited a little just to let you guys watch the episode and not spoil it for you. But at the end of the episode we see that Professor Gellar is in the freezer at Church´s basement. Dead for a long time, therefore, Professor Gellar is not the doomsday killer. But who is DDK? Is Travis the killer? Did Travis kill Professor Gellar? And now that Travis has Dexter trapped in the basement, is Travis going to kill Dexter? He will certainly try to do so… but of course he is not going to succeed, since, remember Dexter has been renewed for two more seasons. [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Dexter
Cancelled and Renewed Shows 2011: Showtime renewed Dexter for two more seasons [...] you are following my coverage of Dexter, like Sins Of Omission preview, or Nebraska´s review, or the rest, or even if you don´t follow my coverage but just watch the [...]
