Tag: Martha Stewart

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Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Martha Stewart Spoilers and Listings for December 26 – 30 on Hallmark [...] One more week to end the year, and Martha Stewart Show comes to TV every weekday at 10 AM (9C) on Hallmark Here´s what she´s bringing for the last week. While waiting for that, remember you can enter Martha Stewart´s Sweepstakes Contest. [...]
geraldine menga Martha, just made your sugar cookies yesterday..My grandchildren just loved them...I have watch your for years ..You cover all area of cooking and arts and crafts..Most other shows are either about cooking or crafts. you do it all. theres no doubt you are the best...I would love to win the sleigh full of gifts to share with my daughters.. But I like to say good luck to the winner whoever it may be...
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Casonia sade logenberry says stock your home up well and keep everything in your house fully stocked and remember to alway have massive things you need in your house and so you will not want for nothing! I think we are in for a hard winter.. Slow down and do the show slower and just give people a chance to get used to you before you remove the show but lets make it time and a half and that way...You can let people warm up to your show okay!
Casonia sade logenberry...Have a fantastic and wonderful day and hope everything is going to be special and Beautiful and wonderful for each and man and woman on this earth! Keep warm this winter and keep your house stalked up real good of course! I will not watch her because she is greedy and matter of fact she should work for free and give the money to the educational programs for children with her future earnings and she is going to make so much money for herself that she can take care of her grandchildren and great grandchildren and her great great grandchildren. And yes I get it she wants something to do and...I feel that she is full of greed.
Guillermo Paz onto Documentary
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Casonia sade logenberry of seattle washington wishing every one a good day and good health and Happy Thankgiven as well..Stay strong and watch weather well. Jimmy my Dear I Wish you well and hope everything turns out really good for you and only time will tell and see if the world gets you! I know it is a great Honor to be with Martha Steward and learning from her and shareing your ideas and thoughs and saying something smart and keeping people on there toes.
Casonia sade logenberry of seattle washington wishing every one a good day and good health and Happy Thankgiven as well..Stay strong and watch weather well. Marth Stewart is doing something good! She is helping other people who are breaking in and starting new with there hopes and dreams and also allowing them to share there ideas with the world.
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
Guillermo Paz onto Daily Shows
