Tag: Neil Patrick Harris

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Guillermo Paz onto movies
Guillermo Paz onto American Idol
American Idol News: Kara Dio Guardi exits idol [...] Idol is spinning fast these days, and following Simon Cowell exit on Idol, and Ellen Degeneres leaving Idol, and the yet to be confirmed inclusion of Jennifer Lopez on [...]
Joe Adam Carolla would be an excellant choice, funny, straight forward and certainly won't hold back.
Guillermo Paz onto Actors, Sitcoms
Tweets that mention Glee Casting News: Neil Patrick Harris is joining Glee! Whoa hoo! -- Topsy.com [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Series And TV, Series And TV. Series And TV said: Glee Casting News: Neil Patrick Harris is joining Glee! Whoa hoo!: - http://tinyurl.com/ycz4zbe [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Actors, How I Met Your Mother
Guillermo Paz onto Actors, Awards
Series & TV » Blog Archive » How Can I Watch The Emmy Awards Live Online Tonight? How to watch the Emmy Outside US? [...] Neil Patrick Harris is hosting the Emmys, and hopefully will win his much deserved [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Actresses
Felicia Day launches Dragon Age: Redemption Feb 16 on Jimmy Fallon [...] always say I want more Felicia Day on TV. Well, luckily many casting directors are hearing my asking, and we got to see Felicia on House, on [...]
Guillermo Paz onto Awards
Guillermo Paz onto Characters, How I Met Your Mother, Quotes
Ivana Barney Stinson is... I dare say - LEGENDARY! Yeah, I said it. But seriously, this show can brighten up my day, no matter how crap it was. It always finds a way to turn that frown upside down.
Zee Barney is too funny, nobody could possibly be this awesome, save for the man who lives in Barney's mirror.... word up!
Guillermo Paz onto Characters, How I Met Your Mother
