Casonia sade logenberry wish every one a beautiful and wonderful day and take care...Because this winter is going to be really cold and freezing and so stalk up and stay warm at home this winter wonderful familys of the world
Some stations come and some stations go and that is the way life is and with one hand giving and taking that moment and making the best out of it and with an other hand taking away but it is better to have...Then never have at all.
Sundance Channel Schedule for Spring 2011 – All on the Line
[...] soon) We did it already with AMC shows like The Killing, then Bravo premiere dates, followed by Current TV premiere dates, and Starz premiere dates. Now it´s Sundance Channel [...]
Casonia sade logenberry wish every one a beautiful and wonderful day and take care...Because this winter is going to be really cold and freezing and so stalk up and stay warm at home this winter wonderful familys of the world
Just be happy and have fun and put your face out there for every one to see and have fun and rock it out and milk it for everything you can!
Bar Karma Casting News: Polly Draper to guest star
[...] second episode, we told you Sonja Sohn was guest star on episode 3 , Ken Leung guest starring and Charlie O´Connell on Bar Karma [...]
Bar Karma Casting News: Charlie O´ Connell to guest star
[...] We also reviewed the series premiere of Bar Karma and the spoilers for the second episode, we told you Sonja Sohn was guest star on episode 3 and Ken Leung guest starring too. [...]
Yep, I'd watch it!!! It's great to see Ken Leung make all these guest appearances. Now, when is he going to get a show of his own?
Bar Karma Casting News: Lost´s Ken Leung to guest star
[...] also reviewed the series premiere of Bar Karma and the spoilers for the second episode, we told you Sonja Sohn was guest star on episode 3 [...]
Ask Commander William T Riker AKA Jonathan Frakes from Star Trek a question!
[...] nice about Bar Karma is that it´s everything about the viewers… with the Music Studio Launched and the Be a Programmer Contest, the power is on the viewers [...]
Bar Karma Casting News: The Wire´s Sonja Sohn to guest star
[...] also reviewed the series premiere of Bar Karma and the spoilers for the second [...]
Current TV Bar Karma Spoilers from episode two Once Upon a Time
[...] premiered last week, and we told you best moments of Bar Karma premiere. Well, tomorrow, the second episode of Bar Karma airs on Current. This one called Once Upon a Time [...]
casonia sade logenberry
I think! I Would really freak out at killing my own meat and...To watch an animal die in front of me would really blow my mind and feel really sad but on the other hand...I really love meat and would do it if it meant no more meat for me..For the rest of my life and of course, I WOULD KILL SOMETHING IN ORDER TO GET SOME THING SOONER OR LATER AND YES I WOULD KILL BECAUSE THAT PART WOULD TAKE OVER FOR ME DOWN THE ROAD AND If I CRAVED THAT MEAT I WOULD KILL IT AND GRILL IT SOONER OR LATER BUT FIRST OF ALL IT WOULD GROSS ME OUT TO SOME DEGREE BUT I CAN'T LIVE THE LIFE OF A VEGAN OR VEGGIE PERSON FOR LIFE WITH DAIRY PRODUCTS IS NOT GOING TO DO IT.