Tag: Life Unexpected

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Guillermo Paz onto Drama
#SaveFringe: The campaign to Save Fringe from cancellation! [...] are also promoting the Save Life UneXpected campaign and the Save Lie To Me Campaign. But it is time for the Save Fringe [...]
Harold Hi Jen! Thanks for your support. Both the site editor, Guillermo Paz and myself thought we may be able to help save this show, even though it is already off the air. As you read my posted message, look at part 2: "give everybody on your site the links to"...and you will see the words "CW Network" and "the studio who produces it" are highlighted. When you click on those words, it will lead you directly to the CW and CBS TV websites. On those sites is an area where you can send your comments and ideas via e-mail. I suggested to Guillermo that if possible, take all of the existing positive comments on this page, and send them all at once to the TV studios. I don't know if he can do that, so we may have to send our comments individually. Thanks again for your support. All the best to you! Harold
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Guillermo Paz onto Drama, Spoilers
Guillermo Paz onto Drama, Spoilers
Guillermo Paz onto Drama, Spoilers
Guillermo Paz onto Drama
Elaine I just started watching this show on netflix and I love it so much I wish mthey made a season 3 this show is amazing
Erin I love this show, Thanks to Netflix i got to see the two seasons. If I would have known it was on t.v i would have watched it and stuck with it. Every episode makes me cry, laugh. Best Show!
